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Meghan Markle’s Unnamed Accuser Creates Tension within the Royal Family

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Meghan Markle’s Unnamed Accuser Creates Tension within the Royal Family

The Royal Family is reportedly infuriated by Meghan Markle’s decision to reveal the identity of the member who made a comment about the potential color of Prince Archie.

During her highly publicized interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021, Meghan disclosed that a member of the monarchy had speculated about the skin tone of her unborn child.

However, she did not reveal the individual’s name, leaving them unidentified.

A Royal Insider has now revealed that the family is enraged by the possibility of open conversations with Meghan and Harry leading to another memoir, following Prince Harry’s recent release, “Prince Harry’s Spare,” in January.

The source claims that Meghan intends to include more fabricated stories in her upcoming book, despite Harry having already denied their validity.

This ongoing saga of Meghan’s quest for power raises questions about her motivations.

If Meghan herself acknowledges that the remark was not made with malice, as stated in a letter, then why does she continue to bring it up?

It seems she is intent on rehashing events that supposedly occurred years ago, even though she never personally heard the remark in question.

Prince Harry claimed that it was said to him.

Interestingly, an unnamed source divulged that Meghan previously blamed Princess Anne for the comment, which angered Zara.

However, she has now shifted her focus onto Duchess Sophie, who has recently gained popularity within the Royal Family.

The source suggests that Meghan hopes to shock readers by calling Sophie names in her memoir.

It is clear that Meghan is envious of Sophie’s growing influence, as she feels her own role in the monarchy is being replaced.

In regards to the legal implications of Meghan’s book, it appears that the British Royal Family is more concerned about potential libel issues than they were with Harry’s publication.

The first member of the family likely to take action against Meghan is Prince Edward, the Duke of Edinburgh, as his wife has been defamed.

A lawsuit seems inevitable.

Furthermore, Meghan has even involved Sophie in Scobie’s book, “Endgame.”

It is worth noting that Meghan only knew these individuals for less than two years and left because she did not get her way.

When the Queen emphasized that royalty is not for sale, Meghan responded with disbelief, claiming that everything is indeed for sale.

She accused the family of discrimination and then distanced herself from them, taking as much money as she could before doing so.

Meghan’s reputation as a proven liar, exaggerator, and chronic misleader will only be reinforced by the release of her book.

Desperation does not make for an attractive image, and another tell-all book will likely further alienate her from the A-list she so desperately seeks to join.

While some may choose to read it, many publications will undoubtedly criticize her for being so petty.

This family gave her nearly everything she desired in life, yet all she has done is hurl insults at them.

She should expect the backlash she is bound to receive.

According to a Royal Insider who spoke to the UK Telegraph, chaos within the family would ensue if the figure responsible for the comment were named.

The Insider predicts that all hell would break loose once again.

In the midst of this controversy, Meghan and Harry are now searching for new opportunities after losing their lucrative Spotify deal earlier this month.

Prince William and King Charles are reportedly keeping their distance to avoid providing material for Meghan’s upcoming book, as trust between the parties remains at an all-time low.

The Insider revealed that there is very little trust left to maintain a good and open relationship with the family.

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