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Meghan Markle’s Popularity Hits All-Time Low in UK

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Meghan Markle’s Popularity Hits All-Time Low in UK

A recent opinion poll has revealed that the popularity of Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has plummeted to an all-time low in the UK.

The survey showed that approximately 7 out of 10 Britons hold a negative opinion of the Duchess, with her net favourability rating dropping to a record low of minus 47%.

This drastic decline marks her lowest rating since YouGov began tracking her favourability in 2017.

Shockingly, only 21% of respondents see her in a favourable light, with a staggering 68% viewing her negatively.

In contrast, Princess Anne has emerged as the most popular member of the royal family, boasting a net favourability of 60%.

Prince Harry’s favourability also witnessed a modest drop of 2% to minus 36%, compared to April.

However, it seems his standing with the British public has somewhat rebounded since January, thanks to the release of his Megxit memoir, which shed light on his experiences.

Queen Charles, who succeeded Queen Elizabeth II last September, saw his favourability slump to 32%.

However, it experienced a slight increase to 48% following his coronation, benefiting from a 6% bounce.

Queen Camilla, unfortunately, did not share in the coronation glory, with her net favourability suffering a five-point hit, standing at a mere 4%.

Although this figure is higher than when YouGov began tracking her popularity in 2011, it’s clear that the public’s sentiment towards her remains unfavourable.

Interestingly, the institution of the monarchy as a whole has seen improvement, with favourability increasing to 25% since the coronation.

This marks a jump from the 19% recorded in April.

It appears that despite the challenges faced by individual members of the royal family, the public’s perception of the monarchy as an institution has improved.

Prince William and Princess Kate have experienced slight bumps in approval.

The Wales’ register net favourability ratings of 57% and 59% respectively, showcasing a positive reception from the British public.

It’s clear that Meghan Markle’s reputation has been tarnished in the UK, with her popularity hitting an all-time low.

In contrast, other members of the royal family have seen slight improvements in their favourability ratings.

While Prince Harry’s memoir may have helped improve his standing with the public, it seems that the Duchess of Sussex is still struggling to win over the hearts of the British people.

It remains to be seen how this will impact her future role within the royal family.

Despite the challenges faced by individual members of the royal family, the institution as a whole has seen a slight improvement in favourability ratings.

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