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Meghan Markle’s Hypocrisy Continues: Selling Archie on Father’s Day Interview

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Meghan Markle’s Hypocrisy Continues: Selling Archie on Father’s Day Interview

In a recent interview with NPR Weekend, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Hypocrisy, discussed her new children’s book and revealed her Father’s Day gift to Prince Harry.

However, amidst her claims of privacy, she continues to exploit her son’s name for personal gain.

Markle proudly shared that her two-year-old son, Archie, is an avid reader who loves her new book.

She even mentioned that the book features Princess Diana’s favorite flower and is a love story about life with Prince Harry.

Yet, on Father’s Day, the couple failed to release any photos of their children, raising questions about their priorities.

This lack of transparency is not surprising, considering Markle’s track record of canceling culture, including her own father.

Her hypocrisy knows no bounds, and it’s time for the palace lawyers and Prince Charles to take a stand against her manipulative agenda.

Meanwhile, during the interview, Markle expressed her delight in seeing her son enjoy reading.

However, many find it hard to believe her claims, considering her own lack of knowledge about the royal family when she first met Prince Harry.

She admitted to Googling the national anthem and struggling to adjust to royal life without any support from the royal family.

It’s clear that Markle’s self-importance and entitlement have clouded her judgment.

Her sister, Samantha, warned the world about her intentions to isolate Prince Harry from his family and reap the benefits.

Unfortunately, the British public and even the royal family dismissed these warnings, leading to the current drama surrounding Markle.

The audacity of Markle to talk about fathers and publish a book about them, despite her strained relationship with her own father, is truly astonishing.

The US outlets that continue to give her a platform after what she did to her dad are either desperate or incredibly ignorant.

Furthermore, the reception of Markle’s book has been far from positive.

Critics have questioned how any publisher could think it worthy of publication, with its poorly constructed rhymes and shallow content.

The fact that it made it onto the New York Times bestseller list is likely due to strategic marketing tactics rather than genuine interest from readers.

Contrary to what their spin doctors may claim, Markle and Prince Harry are not as well-received in the US as they would like to believe.

Their selective promotion in woke publications only serves to reinforce this fact.

The majority of comments on platforms that do cover them are overwhelmingly negative, demonstrating that their popularity is far from universal.

Prince Harry’s attempts to draw parallels between his mother, Princess Diana, and his wife, Meghan Markle, are misguided.

While Diana was universally loved and admired, Markle has failed to establish herself as a figure of relevance beyond her marriage into the royal family.

Her quick retreat to the US when things didn’t go her way only further solidifies this perception.

In conclusion, Meghan Markle’s latest interview and book release only serve to highlight her hypocrisy and self-centeredness.

The lack of transparency regarding her children and the exploitation of her son’s name for personal gain raise serious concerns about her true intentions.

It is clear that the British public and the royal family should have heeded the warnings from Samantha and others who saw through Markle’s façade from the beginning.

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