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Meghan Markle: The Malignant Narcissist and Harry’s Biggest Mistake

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Meghan Markle: The Malignant Narcissist and Harry’s Biggest Mistake

It’s no secret that Meghan Markle has been a controversial figure since her entry into the royal family.

However, recent revelations suggest that there may be more to her behavior than meets the eye.

According to a video posted on the Kate Middleton and the Queen News YouTube channel, Meghan Markle is a malignant narcissist, and Harry’s biggest mistake was sticking with her.

The video outlines the characteristics of a malignant narcissist, which include incredible self-delusion and a complete lack of empathy for others.

The narrator claims to have worked for someone like this and explains that they act and think completely differently from normal people.

They believe they are at a higher level than everyone else and view those below them as non-playing characters.

The video goes on to suggest that Meghan’s behavior fits the standard pattern of a malignant narcissist.

She throws away friends and family who are not on her level and bullies those she perceives to be lower than her.

Piers Morgan is cited as an example of someone she ghosted because she believed he was beneath her.

The narrator also suggests that Harry is a psychopath who prefers to follow rather than lead.

He was brainwashed by Meghan using a textbook model of isolation, reinforcement of ideas, and drugs that rewired his brain.

The video claims that Harry’s admission of taking psilocybin, a drug used to treat CTE, supports this theory.

The video suggests that Meghan and Harry are both mentally deficient and lack emotional intelligence.

They cannot relate to other people and view everyone as an opportunity.

The narrator believes that Meghan is a sociopath who sees nobody as meaning as much to her as she does to herself.

The video ends with a call for justice and hope that Meghan and Harry will soon be nothing more than a distant memory.

The narrator believes that even narcissists and sociopaths have an expiration date.

In conclusion, the Kate Middleton and the Queen News YouTube channel has made some bold claims about Meghan Markle and Harry’s relationship.

While it’s impossible to know the truth, the video raises some interesting questions about their behavior.

It’s up to the reader to decide whether or not they believe the claims made in the video.

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