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Meghan Markle inspired Kate Middleton to Improve Her Public Speaking Skills

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Meghan Markle inspired Kate Middleton to Improve Her Public Speaking Skills

Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton’s friendship has been a hot subject. While Meghan and Kate are often set against one other, with rumors of feuds and fallouts, they have also allegedly inspired each other.

According to a communications expert, the Duchess of Cambridge has adopted one of the Duchess of Sussex’s habits, which is unquestionably a good thing; in fact, it may lead to her becoming a more successful member of the royal family overall.

“Kate clearly has the natural ‘stardust’ factor that her husband lacks, but her previous speech-making style has been over-cautious, led by what appears to be a strong desire to get it right and avoid mistakes,” Body language and communications expert Judi James told Express.

She thought Middleton made her speech in the manner that royals do when making ceremonial remarks at the launching of a ship or the inauguration of a building. It lacked individuality in her opinion, and she was irritated by it.

“Kate’s first speech as Duchess of Cambridge made me angry because – although she looked delightful – her stilted, over-cautious delivery suggested she had been over-coached to the point where we weren’t being allowed to see anything of the real Kate,” James said.

“It looked mannered and choreographed, with too many regular pauses that were timed regardless of context. These are often used to slow a fast speaker down, but good modern speakers tend to put authenticity over a ‘perfect’ delivery that lacks impact.”

According to Express, Kate turned to Meghan to help her improve her public speaking abilities after seeing how effectively the Duchess of Sussex talked in front of large audiences. “Meghan might just have provided them with a role-model in how to use personal charisma and a powerful speaking style to make things happen,” Judi James told the news outlet. “Kate’s speech in Pakistan last year did finally show… A desire to create bonds with her audience that Meghan excels at.”

Meghan, unlike Kate, comes from a Hollywood background, which allowed her to go right into public speaking. ‘Meghan’s experience as an actress helped her develop a very inspirational and persuasive, modern speaking style,’ James explained. ‘She can speak with conviction and empathy, connecting with her audiences and creating change in a way that the royals rarely have done.’

Kate’s accession to the royal family, on the other hand, was not without difficulty.

According to James, Meghan was a lot better than Kate, particularly because Kate seemed to be trying to mimic Queen Elizabeth’s speaking manner.

“Unlike Meghan, who arrived in the Royal Family complete with her own authentic speaking style and stuck with it, Kate had clearly gone down the royal route of putting perfection over impact, even including the use of the same high-pitched vocal tone that the Queen uses,” she said.

Thanks to Meghan’s example, Kate has been able to make significant progress in her speech.

James stated:

“Recently, Kate has appeared to be almost as keen to give her speeches the ‘wow’ factor as her husband. Kate’s speech in Pakistan last year did finally show signs of a casting off of regal elegance and perfection and some hints of the kind of more relaxed, congruent passion and a desire to create bonds with her audience that Meghan excels at though. With no lectern and reading less from her notes, Kate appeared to be developing her individual style and potential as a speaker rather than focusing on being flawless.”

When James contrasted Middleton and Markle’s debut addresses, he found that the Duchess of Sussex outperformed her. According to her, Middleton was “painfully shy,” while Markle felt comfortable in front of a crowd.

“I don’t know if you saw Kate Middleton’s first speech that she made, but she was painfully shy. I think it was to children, you could see that she’d had training, she’d been told to pause. She hadn’t taken control of the situation, she hadn’t decided to be herself,” James explained.

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