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Madonna reignites feud with Lady Gaga, mocks her for stealing her quote

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Madonna reignites feud with Lady Gaga, mocks her for stealing her quote

Madonna’s long-running feud with Lady Gaga has resurfaced, with the Material Girl reportedly taking a shot at the rival singer as Gaga bids for an Academy Award.

The controversy began after a video of Gaga repeatedly using a quote during her A Star Is Born press tour earlier this year went viral.

She’s said in interviews: “There can be 100 people in a room and 99 don’t believe in you. And you just need one to believe in you, but all it takes is one and it just changes your whole life.”

In fact, several video compilations of Gaga uttering these phrases have been created by fans.

Madonna noticed as well, and uploaded a video of one of her classic interviews on Instagram Stories, in which she says to the camera, “If there are 100 people in a room and 99 say they liked it, I only remember the one person who didn’t.”

Madonna also shared a selfie with the message “Don’t F–k with Me Monday” and another with the text “I heard it all before…talk is cheap. If you can’t improve the silence…say nothing. #sorrynotsorry,” which sparked a debate between her followers and Gaga’s Little Monsters in the comments section.

‘For all the 11-year-old Gaga fans, just google ‘Single White Female,’ then you’ll understand why Madonna is likely upset,’ said one fan.

Since the release of Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” single in 2011, which drew parallels to Madonna’s song “Express Yourself,” the two have been involved in a verbal spat.

Madonna discussed the similar sounding tracks in a 2012 interview, stating, “I mean, I recognized the chord changes, “I thought it was… interesting … I certainly think she references me a lot in her work. And sometimes I think it’s amusing and flattering and well done.”

“If you put the songs next to each other, side by side, the only similarities are the chord progression,” Gaga said in 2011, calling the comparisons “moronic.” “It’s the same one that’s been in disco music for the last 50 years. Just because I’m the first (expletive) artist in 25 years to think of putting it on Top 40 radio, it doesn’t mean I’m a plagiarist, it means that I’m (expletive) smart.”.”

The vocalists continued to take a jab at each other over the similarities between the two songs, with Madonna bringing it up again in a 2015 Rolling Stone interview. “The only time I ever criticized Lady Gaga was when I felt like she blatantly ripped off one of my songs,” she said. “It’s got nothing to do with ‘she’s taking my crown’ or ‘she’s in some space of mine.’ She has her thing. I do think she’s a very talented singer and songwriter. It was just that one issue.”

“Madonna and I are very different,” Gaga said in an interview in 2016. “I play a lot of instruments. I write all my own music. I spend hours a day in the studio. I’m a producer. I’m a writer. What I do is different.”

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