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Kristen Stewart removes heels and walks barefoot on red carpet

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Kristen Stewart removes heels and walks barefoot on red carpet

If you’ve ever worn high heels, you’re probably familiar with the unpleasant pinching sensation that starts almost as soon as you slide on the shoes and lasts until you take them off.

Kristen Stewart was entering a screening of Spike Lee’s most recent movie, BlacKkKlansman. The Cannes jury member seemed to be over her stilettos as she approached the theater’s stairs. Stewart stopped in front of a crowd of photographers to take off her pointed-toed black Christian Louboutin shoes. She picked them up and walked barefoot up the stairs with them. The aforementioned photographers, of course, captured the entire scene, and it is really relatable.

Ditched. Credit: Andreas Rentz/Getty Images

Evidently, she didn’t get in trouble for taking off her heels.

Some think she did so to protest the film festival’s dress code, which has previously generated controversy for allegedly requiring that all female attendees wear heels.

The actress said in a statement from the previous year that she believed the requirement for women to wear heels was truly sexist.

She told The Hollywood Reporter, “There’s definitely a distinct dress code right, people get very upset at you if you don’t wear heels or something, whatever,”

“But I feel like you can’t ask people that anymore, it’s just kind of a given, like if you’re not asking guys to wear heels and a dress you cannot ask me either.” she continued.

She wore sneakers on the red carpet in 2016. She discussed her objection to the policy at the time in an interview with Vanity Fair.

She added of the regulation, “Things have to change immediately. It has become really obvious that if [a man and I] were walking the red carpet together and someone stopped me and said, ‘Excuse me, young lady, you’re not wearing heels. You cannot come in.’ Then [I’m going to say], ‘Neither is my friend. Does he have to wear heels?’ It can work both ways. It’s just like you simply cannot ask me to do something that you are not asking him. I get the black-tie thing but you should be able to do either version — flats or heel.”

Kristen, meanwhile, has received praise for choosing to walk the red carpet barefoot.

One user exclaimed on Twitter, “The most honest representation of every woman’s true desires!”

Another person said, “I’d take mine off too, wearing them ALL DAY kills your feet,”

“Why is [Cannes Film Festival] so difficult with this ‘no-flats’ rule?”

Women were reportedly turned away from red carpet premieres in 2015 because they were wearing flat shoes.

The reported restriction prompted celebrities to criticize the rules; British actress Emily Blunt called the allegation of the ban “extremely disheartening.”

She added in her speech at the time: “Everyone should wear flats, to be honest. We shouldn’t be wearing high heels anyway. That’s my point of view.”

At the time, the director of the Cannes Film Festival, Thierry Frémaux, tweeted in response to the controversy: “For the steps (red carpet), nothing has changed: Smoking (tuxedo), black tie. No mention of heels.”

Since then, Julia Roberts and Kristen Stewart have both removed their shoes on the red carpet. Julia Roberts did so at Cannes in 2016 for the Money Monster premiere.

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