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Kristen Bell was told she wasn’t ‘pretty’ enough for Hollywood

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Kristen Bell was told she wasn’t ‘pretty’ enough for Hollywood

Kristen Bell charming, hilarious, and committed to her profession.

Her fan base has grown significantly over the years as a result of her many film and television appearances. She is kind, friendly, and gives back to the community. She is America’s sweetheart actress and seems to have everything going her way.

But Kristen revealed in a video for Vanity Fair that she was told she wasn’t pretty enough for Hollywood at the start of her career.

During a sit-down interview for the publication’s YouTube channel, she recounted receiving comments early on that she wasn’t good enough in either area.

“I would get feedback from an audition: ‘Well, you’re not pretty enough to play the pretty girl, but you’re not quirky enough or weird enough to play the weird girl,'” Bell said.

The 39-year-old actress was naturally perplexed by these remarks.

“I was like, ‘Okay, does that just mean I can’t be an actor? What does that mean,'” she recalled thinking. “That’s what I was getting feedback on, on every audition.”

Since then, Bell has acted as the lead in several films, including “Frozen” and “The Good Place,” as well as in “Veronica Mars” and the heartbreaking role in “Forgetting Sarah Marshall.”

Bell, 39, said that after her debut in the early 2000s, Hollywood has undergone changes.

She explained: “It’s this huge grey area now of all these beautiful stories you can tell… that have dimensional people that don’t have to be one thing.”

She credits the shift to a more progressive film business.

“It’s not the Eighties where you have to have the popular girl and then the nerd who gets the guy. I’m really grateful for that.

“It opens up a lot of opportunities for everyone to play and pretend, which is the most fun part.”

Bell’s acting career journey hasn’t been all bad, ultimately.

The actress is always adapting, improving, and encouraging youth to not take criticism from others personally. She thinks that if you have faith in your own ability, you can do great things and get through any challenges that come your way. She encourages young people to confront their inner demons and go “into the unknown” in order to rise beyond them. Adults are urged by her to adopt fresh perspectives on beauty. She exhorts everyone of us to be true to who we are and not alter who we are for anybody. This actress is modest, honorable, and has a firm sense of self. In the end, Bell has grown from the criticisms she has gotten and has discovered how to smile, hold her head up, and just “let it go.”

Bell recently appeared in the “The Good Place” series finale and provided the voice for the movie “Frozen II.”

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