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Jennifer Lawrence Says working with Jonah Hill was ‘really, really hard’

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Jennifer Lawrence Says working with Jonah Hill was ‘really, really hard’

Jennifer Lawrence confesses that collaborating with Jonah Hill on their new film, Don’t Look Up, was difficult.

The 31-year-old actress talked about her and Hill’s experiences filming the dark comedy, which also stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Meryl Streep, Timothée Chalamet, and Chris Evans.

Because the comedian continued trying to make her laugh throughout takes, the actress confessed that filming was “really, really hard.” According to the Daily Mail, Jennifer remarked in a YouTube interview with Vanity Fair: “He is the worst. It was really, really hard filming with Jonah, and just not ruining take after take, laughing.” When they were filming the popular Netflix film, she claimed Jonah insulted her for a full day. She stated,”We one time dedicated an entire day to him just improv-ing insults at me. It was amazing. He and Meryl are the only ones who really should do that kind of improv. I mean, he’s just a comedic master. We all did some stuff. Just not as well as Jonah.”

Despite the fact that making the film was a lot of fun, and there are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments, J Law reminds us that the emotion behind the Netflix must-see is more serious. When asked what the “biggest thing” viewers should take away from the movie, she replied: “To stop handling information the way that we do now, where there’s like the truth and science and then politics, or you know, personal feelings involved.”

“You know, we should all just be on the same page of, you know, taking care of our planet, and taking care of mankind. World peace would be my hope.”

Meanwhile, Jonah portrays both Meryl’s son and political aide, as she plays the President of the United States. The film follows Leonardo Dicaprio and Jennifer as astronomers who are urgently trying to warn not just the US government, but also the general public, that a ‘planet-killing’ comet is heading straight for our globe.

Earlier this year, rumours circulated that Lawrence had said that her primary co-star, Leonardo DiCaprio, was getting paid more for the picture — but she quickly diluted the claims to Vanity Fair.

“Look, Leo brings in more box office than I do,” she said bluntly. “I’m extremely fortunate and happy with my deal.”

Adam McKay’s film was released in theaters on December 10 and on Netflix on December 24.

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