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Jennifer Aniston wore s-x toy as a necklace

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Jennifer Aniston wore s-x toy as a necklace

Jennifer Aniston has revealed that she wore a male s** toy around her neck while on set for the new comedy Horrible Bosses 2.

During an appearance on Conan O’Brien’s chat show, the actress showed a picture of her character, the s**y dentist Dr.

Julia Harris, wearing an interesting gold chain, and when asked about it, she replied: “No, that’s a c*** ring.”

The 45-year-old went on to explain that it was an active choice on her part, saying: “They laid out the jewellery, and I just gravitated towards this beautiful piece of jewellery.

“And I put it on, and I thought, ‘This is unique, and cool’.

“And they said, ‘Great, you chose the c*** ring’.” Jennifer admitted that she could have chosen something more graphic to accessorise with.

Playing a nymphomaniac in the comedy sequel meant that Jennifer was required to film a number of racy scenes.

However, she revealed that one of her most eye-popping s** scenes was cut from the film as it was a very one-sided tryst.

“It was kind of not even mutual.

“Charlie Day’s character is in a coma.

“And I exploit him whilst he’s in a coma.

“They removed it. But I bet it’ll be on that DVD extras.

“Terrifying thing to have to shoot, by the way,” she said.

Jennifer has been a fixture in Hollywood for over two decades, and her career has gone from strength to strength since she shot to fame as Rachel Green in the popular TV series Friends.

Speaking about the impact that Friends had on her life, she said: “It was a blessing and a curse.

“It was a wonderful experience and will always be a wonderful experience.

“But it made you want to go, ‘What’s next?’”

The actress is known for her natural beauty and her ability to effortlessly pull off a range of looks.

She revealed that her beauty secret is quite simple – she just drinks a lot of water.

“I drink water. Water, water, water. Honestly, that’s it,” she said.

Jennifer added that she also tries to get as much sleep as possible, and that she enjoys doing yoga.

Jennifer has been in the public eye for so long that it’s hard to imagine her doing anything else.

However, she revealed that if she wasn’t an actress, she would have liked to have been a therapist.

“I love psychology. It’s just fascinating to me,” she said.

Jennifer also spoke about her plans for the future, saying that she would like to direct more films.

“I’ve directed a few things, and I really enjoy it.

“I’ve got a few things in development, but it’s just about finding the right time,” she said.

Despite her fame and success, Jennifer hasn’t always had an easy ride.

She revealed that she was bullied at school, and that the experience has stayed with her.

“Girls can be pretty mean, especially at that age,” she said.

However, Jennifer also said that the experience helped her to develop a thick skin and a sense of humour, which has stood her in good stead throughout her career.

Jennifer is known for her love of animals, and she revealed that she has a rescue dog called Sophie.

“She’s the love of my life,” she said.

Jennifer added that she is passionate about animal welfare, and that she is involved with a number of charities that work to protect animals.

With so many successful films and TV shows under her belt, it’s hard to imagine Jennifer doing anything else.

However, the actress revealed that she has a secret talent for singing.

“I sing in the shower. I sing all the time,” she said.

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