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Jada Pinkett Smith reveals ‘s**ual attraction’ to women after owning up to affair

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Jada Pinkett Smith reveals ‘s**ual attraction’ to women after owning up to affair

Actress Jada Pinkett Smith, 49, and her daughter Willow, 20, recently opened up on their chat show Red Table Talk about a topic that is not often discussed in public.

They both admitted to having a “s**ual attraction” to women, with Jada disclosing that she has been “infatuated” with women twice in her life.

Jada, who has been married to Will Smith since 1997, was candid about her feelings towards the same s**, saying, “Two times I’ve been infatuated with a woman.”

Her admission encouraged Willow to open up as well, saying, “I’ve had my fair share of swooning and being like, ‘Oh my God, she’s so beautiful.

She’s so talented’.”

Willow has previously spoken out about her attraction to women, revealing in 2019 that she believes in polygamy because monogamy can inhibit one’s ability to learn and evolve past feelings of insecurity and jealousy.

She added, “I would definitely want one man, one woman.

I feel like I could be polyfidelotous with those two people.”

Jada’s confession comes just months after she admitted to having an affair with singer August Alsina.

While it wasn’t viewed as cheating since Jada and Will were undergoing a private separation at the time, the revelation still caused a stir in the media.

During a conversation on RTT, Will told Jada, “I really felt like we could be over,” to which she replied, “One of the things that I’m deeply grateful in this whole process between you and I is that we have really gotten to that new place of unconditional love.” Will responded by saying, “Cause’ I wasn’t sure I was ever going to speak to you again.

The fact that I’m speaking to you again is a miracle.”

Despite the ups and downs of their marriage, Jada and Will have managed to find their way back to each other.

Jada said near the end of their chat, “You gotta go through some s*** to get the answers.

I’m just happy because I definitely believe you and I never ever, ever thought we’d make it back.”

Jada and Willow’s candid discussion about their s**ual attraction to women is a topic that is not often talked about in public, especially by celebrities.

It sheds light on the fact that sexuality is fluid and can be complex, and that it’s okay to have these feelings even if they don’t fit into society’s rigid expectations.

Furthermore, their openness about polygamy also challenges conventional beliefs about love and relationships, encouraging people to explore what works for them rather than conforming to societal norms.

In a world where people are still discriminated against and marginalized based on their s**ual orientation, Jada and Willow’s conversation is a step towards acceptance and inclusivity.

It’s important to have more discussions like this in public so that people can feel seen and heard, regardless of their s**ual orientation or relationship preferences.

In conclusion, Jada and Willow’s admission of their s**ual attraction to women and openness to polygamy is a refreshing change from the norm.

Their honesty and vulnerability sends a message of acceptance and inclusivity, challenging societal norms and encouraging people to be true to themselves.

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