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Is the Monarchy Still Relevant?

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Is the Monarchy Still Relevant?

British Youth Increasingly Reject the Institution

The death of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2020 marked the end of an era of unwavering loyalty to the monarchy among British subjects.

Since then, there has been much speculation about the relevance of the royal family in modern times.

Recent surveys suggest that only 21% of British adults have improved their opinion of the Windsors over the past decade, while 36% have become more negative.

The trend towards rejecting the monarchy is most noticeable among young people.

Many express indifference or even distaste for the institution, which they see as disconnected from real life.

They point to both British colonialism and the lack of diversity among the inhabitants of the royal palace as reasons for their attitude.

Most British youth do not view the royal family as a role model for them.

This sentiment is shared by 55% of respondents under the age of 25, while among citizens over 55, the figure is 36%.

As for Charles III, slightly less than half of Britons have a positive attitude towards him, and 23% regard him negatively.

There is also a generational difference in this issue, with young people being less supportive of the new king.

However, Charles’ approval rating has risen since he took power, especially after his speech on the death of his mother, which 94% of respondents regarded as good.

Despite this, there are doubts about whether Charles will be able to become a unifying figure for all parts of the kingdom.

In Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, more and more people are calling for independence from the UK.

Charles has yet to win the respect that these regions had for Elizabeth.

Many people also dislike the new king because of his personal life history.

Princess Diana’s fans still cannot forgive Charles for having an extramarital affair with Camilla, and some would prefer to see the crown on William’s head as soon as possible.

One in three Britons believe that the 74-year-old king should resign at some point and hand over power to his eldest son.

It is worth noting that 25% of respondents wanted Queen Elizabeth to resign before her death.

The question remains: will Charles III be able to win the love and respect of his subjects, or should he abdicate in favor of William?

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