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Is Meghan Markle gold digger?

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Is Meghan Markle gold digger?

Jarrod Bleijie, a Queensland LNP politician and avowed life member of the Australian Monarchist League, claimed in a tweet on Tuesday 10th March that the Duchess of Sussex was “trying to take down the institution” because she would never be queen and eventually called her a “gold digger,” which elicited harsh reactions from the public and the royal family.

“The Queen is panicking that the duchesses are ticking time bombs. After everything that’s happened, it’s almost inevitable that there will be an explosive final showdown between the women when they finally come face-to-face in London,” an insider told U.S. magazine, In Touch.

Meghan accused the royal family of disregarding her requests for assistance while she contemplated self-harm in an interview with Oprah Winfrey that aired on US television on Sunday (and in Australia on Monday).

Mr. Bleijie said in his tweet that the royal rift began when Meghan realized she was not in line for the throne.

“The problem started when American actress Meghan Markle was told William would be King not Harry. It was at this time that she realised that she married the wrong Prince. So if she can’t be the future Queen, she’ll attempt to take down the institution. The Crown will prevail!” he tweeted.

However, Industrial Relations Minister Grace Grace called Bleijie’s remarks “disappointing” because they came so soon to International Women’s Day. She claimed it sends the incorrect message to young people, particularly girls.

“It is disappointing that during a week where we are celebrating the success of women around the world, that we have a member in this House who is essentially saying that Meghan Markle is a gold digger,” Grace told parliament.

“Meghan Markle is not who she married. She is a strong, successful woman in her own right.

“The young people of today deserve better.” Bleijie – who was momentarily out of the House when Grace spoke – gasped “What?” as he returned to his seat.

Additional comments from various Authors on Quora, an online forum, are included below.

“This is really hard to define since we don’t know every “gold digger” out there past or present. It’s all relative. But here’s my opinion. I don’t think money was what MM was “digging” for as she was already well off. There are two things she hadn’t been able to corner the market on and those are…power and influence. She had a little influence due to her website but I’m sure we can all recognize that compared to royalty influence she basically had none. Royalty has opened ALL previously closed doors. She can go anywhere anytime and be welcomed and catered to. When you have that…you don’t need “gold”. Even if she had a zero balance in her bank account right now she would be able to live in the lap of luxury due to help or being given things from others. This has already been proven by Elton John coming out and saying that he paid for their private jet so they could be flown to their house for vacation. Also everyone keeps saying that her shower and all its expenses were paid for by others. She needs to do nothing more than show up and she will be given everything that she wants or needs from here forward no matter what happens between her and Harry. And that my friends is not a “gold digger”…that’s a very devious, shrewd calculating woman who quite literally was given the keys to the castle. I don’t like it but…well played Megan…well played.” Bon N. Jones wrote.

“Yeah! She done really well for herself. Even as a child she said she’d marry a prince and she has. She adores attention, sparkles and shines in front of the camera forever the actress. She can’t go wrong even if she dumps Harry she’s got a meal ticket for life. Love her or hate her she’s clever, manipulating and tough. Such a 100% narc ….. She’s living the dream.

“Now it feels like she’s trying to blackmail the royals! give me what I want or I’ll do an tell all expose’ (which would be a load of toxic BS lies) Meghan’s a viper, silly Billy Harry, he’s really been screwed over. Meghan’s puppet.” Anna Clarke.

“Is Megan Markle the most successful gold digger of our time? You must be joking!!! Prince Harry is worth only some 40 million (in this moment), that is peanuts. In the city I live in that is just about the price of a really nice harbor side house. Meghan, who is, by the way, self-made millionaire, could have married somebody much richer, I am sure. If that was what she was after? Instead she was interested in humanitarian causes, as is Harry.” Linda Simon.

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