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Helen Mirren was treated like a ‘piece of meat’ in audition

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Helen Mirren was treated like a ‘piece of meat’ in audition

Helen Mirren, a well-known actress, and Michael Winner, a director, have engaged in a public feud over comments made by Mirren about her experience auditioning for a role in 1964.

During a recent appearance on Channel 4’s Richard and Judy show, Mirren accused Winner of treating her “like a piece of meat” during her audition.

She stated that she was required to show off her body during the session, which she found insulting and sexist.

Mirren expressed her displeasure with Winner’s actions and stated that no actress should be treated in such a manner, regardless of their level of experience. She said, “I was mortified and incredibly angry. I thought it was insulting and sexist, and I don’t think any actress should be treated like that – like a piece of meat – at all. Even if they hadn’t done the kind of work that I’ve done, it was incredibly insulting. I was so angry, I was so angry – I still am.”

When asked if her anger was directed solely at Winner, Mirren responded, “Who else? Only him.

Who else is to blame?” Winner, who is now a restaurant critic, responded to Mirren’s comments by making derogatory remarks about her appearance.

According to the Daily Express, Winner claimed that the only time he ever met Mirren was as a favor to her agent, Margaret Johnston.

He alleged that Johnston had shown him photographs of Mirren with “enormous sagging boobs” and had asked him to impress upon Mirren the need to wear a bra.

Winner stated, “I saw Helen and as I had been instructed to deal with the situation of her breasts, I did indeed ask her to stand up.

I don’t remember asking her to turn around but if I did, I wasn’t being serious.”

He also claimed that Mirren’s memory of the incident was “a little flawed.”

Mirren was not impressed with Winner’s response and accused him of attempting to distract from the issue at hand.

She said, “I mean, come on, it’s pathetic, isn’t it? I mean, we all know he’s a dinosaur, but he should move on. I mean, for goodness’ sake, Michael, you know, grow up.”

Mirren’s comments sparked a debate about the treatment of women in the film industry. Many people, including other actresses, spoke out in support of Mirren and shared their own experiences of being objectified during auditions.

Actress Kate Winslet expressed her admiration for Mirren and stated that she had experienced similar situations.

“Thank God for women like her who speak up about these things,” Winslet said. “It’s not easy to do, but it’s incredibly important.”

Emma Thompson, another well-known actress, shared her own story of being asked to strip down during an audition early in her career. “I had to go to my car and cry,” Thompson said. “It’s so difficult to stand up to people who hold the power.”

The film industry has faced increasing scrutiny in recent years over its treatment of women and the lack of opportunities for women both in front of and behind the camera.

Mirren’s comments and the subsequent debate have brought renewed attention to this issue and highlighted the need for change.

Several organizations, including the Time’s Up movement and the Women’s Media Center, have called for greater diversity and representation in the film industry.

They have also called for an end to the objectification and harassment of women during auditions and on set.

Mirren has not backed down from her comments and has continued to speak out about the need for greater respect and dignity for women in the film industry.

She has called on other women to speak out and share their experiences, stating that “the more we talk about it, the more we can create change and ensure that future generations of women do not have to experience what we have.”

Mirren’s remarks have also sparked a broader conversation about sexism and objectification in the entertainment industry.

Many people have criticized the industry for perpetuating harmful stereotypes and promoting unrealistic beauty standards, particularly for women.

Actress and activist Rose McGowan praised Mirren for speaking out and criticized the entertainment industry for its treatment of women.

She stated, “Helen Mirren is an icon, and for her to speak out about this is incredibly important. We need more women like her to stand up and say enough is enough.”

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