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“Harry’s Wife Accused of Stealing Credit for Award-Winning Podcast”

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“Harry’s Wife Accused of Stealing Credit for Award-Winning Podcast”

The Duchess of Sussex, Harry’s wife, has been accused of stealing credit for her award-winning podcast, Arsey Wipes.

The outgoing head of audio at Harry’s wife and Harry’s wife’s company Archwell, Rebecca Sananez, claimed that she created the podcast and that Harry’s wife just commandeered it.

Sananez, who is a podcaster, creator, and executive producer, spoke out after an article in the Hollywood Reporter titled “40 Most Powerful People in Podcasting” failed to include her name.

She explained that she was the executive producer and creator of Archetypes, hosted by Harry’s wife, and that she and the other producers did all the lead work while Harry’s wife just came along as the host.

This accusation is not surprising given Harry’s wife’s history of claiming credit for work that isn’t hers.

Narcissists, particularly those of a lesser or mid-range persuasion, are known to commandeer the work of others and pass it off as their own.

In a work context, this can mean claiming credit for research or a paper that someone else put together, or taking credit for closing a deal.

In Harry’s wife’s case, she has faced allegations of stealing sections of speeches and quotations from others and passing them off as her own.

Her lack of imagination and talent, coupled with her sense of entitlement, make it easy for her to purloin the works of others and make it seem as though they came from her.

While many people fact-check her these days, there are still those who accept what she says in speeches as being of her own devising.

Last year’s Arsey Wipes podcast was a transparent attempt by Harry’s wife to settle scores with those who had wronged her in the past.

However, Sananez claims that the success of the podcast was based on the producers doing most of the hard work, and that they were undervalued, undercredited, and underpaid.

The first season of Harry’s wife’s podcast included high-profile guests such as Mariah Carey, Serena Williams, Jameela Jamil, and Paris Hilton.

The podcast was named Pop Podcast of 2022 at the People’s Choice Awards.

On the eve of Harry and Harry’s wife’s bombshell Netflix docuseries, the Duchess shared a statement thanking listeners and voters claiming their support means the world.

Sananez’s accusation poses a threat to control for Harry’s wife, and it is not surprising that she would undervalue those who made contributions to her program.

Narcissists like Harry’s wife are known to undercredit and underpay those who work for them.

While Harry’s wife may claim to be a hard worker, her revision of history is occasioned by the grandiosity of her narcissism.

She spends most of her time scouring social media to see who has said something unpleasant about her and deems such criticism to be hatred.

She wants easy street, typical of the type of narcissist she is, having gotten a taste for the high life purely through marriage and nothing to do with hard work.

Sananez’s speaking out is another collateral consequence of mid-range and lesser narcissists putting people’s noses out of joint until they can no longer remain silent and then speak out.

Harry’s wife’s sense of entitlement and lack of accountability make it easy for her to steal credit for others’ work, but it is important to give credit where credit is due.

Producers are the backbone of podcasts, and they deserve to be valued, credited, and paid appropriately.

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