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Harry’s Outrage Over Lady C’s Revelation of Diana’s True Nature

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Harry’s Outrage Over Lady C’s Revelation of Diana’s True Nature

The world was shocked when the notorious hypocritical couple, Harry and Meghan Markle, made their exit from the royal family.

And now, new revelations have emerged about the late Princess Diana’s true nature, including her dishonesty, slander, and indiscriminate adultery.

Lady C, who was working on a book with Diana, revealed that the princess didn’t want a truthful book and didn’t want to involve other sources.

Instead, she wanted a one-sided propaganda criticizing Charles with both truths and lies.

Lady C refused to be part of such a book, so she backed out, and Diana went to Andrew Morton instead.

Lady C carried on with her book, which was called “Diana in Private” or something like that.

A few years later, Diana and Lady C became good friends again.

Diana regretted writing the Andrew Morton book airing all her dirty laundry on the royals.

One of the things she particularly regretted was the claim that she threw herself downstairs.

Lady C wrote another book after Diana’s death, “The Real Diana,” which explained her first book and brought it up to date.

Lady C revealed that when Diana was pregnant with William, the truth was that she didn’t throw herself down the stairs.

She stumbled and fell, and doctors checked her.

Later, Diana claimed in the Andrew Morton book that she threw herself downstairs to highlight her plight, similar to Meghan claiming she was suicidal.

Diana struggled with an eating disorder from before she married until after they separated.

It was worse during her pregnancy with Harry.

It is hard to know what exactly she knew and when over Camilla, but she effectively wrote what was in Andrew Morton’s book.

It was her propaganda and contained a lot of lies and one-sided versions.

Charles maintained a friendship with Camilla, and Diana was jealous of that, understandably so.

Charles was tactless after Harry was born, and he allegedly wanted a girl, but that would not be enough to unsettle a happy marriage.

The comment that they were the happiest during her pregnancy with Harry came only from Diana.

She had already had an affair by then, not my benchmark of a happy marriage.

Diana was very good at manipulating the truth in her favor, and as always, the royal family stuck by never complaining, never explaining, so never challenged anything openly.

There was certainly a secret counter-briefing going on, but Diana’s version of events stuck, particularly as tabloids didn’t write negative things about her after she died.

Lady C is a monarchist but is not particularly a fan of Charles as the man and has often been critical of him on her YouTube channel.

She is also critical in the book, and you certainly don’t get the sense that it is a one-sided whitewash.

She also liked Diana but could also see all her negative traits.

The book is well-sourced and researched, with a great number of people spoken to, which she lists over several pages.

What is clear from the book is Diana had a very needy, demanding, and controlling side to her, and there are certain similarities with Meghan.

Although Meghan is off the scale, she stopped Charles from seeing certain friends, stopped him from doing certain hobbies, sacked lots of their staff, and even made him get rid of his dog.

She wanted someone to dote on her and be in bed with her all the time and did not appreciate the amount of time Charles needed to work.

Diana had a huge number of affairs, including the King of Spain.

She and Charles stayed together with the King and his wife on holiday, and they blatantly got together.

Towards the end of her life, she had a lot of one-night stands with men she met at her gym.

She broke up at least two marriages through her affairs.

She had childlike neediness and an insatiable need to have love and affection.

Charles is accused of being cold and unemotional, but you get the sense no man was ever going to fill the gulf within her, a product of her difficult childhood and sense of abandonment by her mother.

She was a natural on public duties, but allegedly hated it, was nervous and moaned about it, and refused to read briefing documents about the visits.

Like Meghan, she refused to learn everything she was supposed to when she became a royal, and was very petulant.

Diana was immensely popular right from the start, not surprising as she was new, young, beautiful, glamorous, warm, and charming.

There was undoubtedly some jealousy, but it was made a lot worse by Diana deliberately changing the parameters of how royals behave with the public.

It was felt by the other royals that Diana deliberately tried to take the attention.

Once the marriage was in trouble, she played the press very effectively to leak stories she wanted and get photographed when she wanted.

The royal family certainly tried to brief against her too, but the press was largely on her side.

She sold papers.

There was intense competition in parenting, and the kids were used as pawns to some extent.

They informally separated long before they formally separated, and she used to make it difficult for Charles to spend time with the kids, often changing plans at the last minute when they should be with him.

After they formally separated, Charles had more structured time with them.

Diana did not spend an enormous amount of time with the kids in the last few years, as they were at boarding school, and spent some of the time away from their dad, example Sandringham at Christmas and Balmoral in the summer.

It is quite illuminating to understand the Diana angle because it sheds a lot of light on the current issues with Harry.

He seems to be fixated on the Andrew Morton version of Diana rather than the real Diana.

He blames Charles and Camilla for everything and his mother for nothing.

He has buried a lot of anger, her must surely feel for her, and displaced it onto his father.

He blames the royal family for discarding his mother, but they did not want the separation or the divorce.

She pushed for both of those things and made life increasingly hard and spread increasingly malicious gossip to force their hand.

For example, she got one of Charles’ former valets, who was gay and dying of AIDS, to claim that Charles was gay.

Those cringe-worthy secret phone call recordings, done on both sides, were very dodgy and underhand.

It was a very bad time, and such a shame that Harry is dragging it all back up again.

The revelations about Diana’s negative character and the shameful things she did to Charles are certainly eye-opening.

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