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Harry’s Drug Use Could Jeopardize His US Visa, Warns Lawyer

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Harry’s Drug Use Could Jeopardize His US Visa, Warns Lawyer

A lawyer has issued a stern warning that Prince Harry’s drug use could pose a threat to his US visa.

This comes after Harry admitted to using cocaine, cannabis, and even magic mushrooms in his memoir and TV interviews.

Now, there are requests to release his US visa application to determine whether he disclosed his drug abuse before coming to California with Meghan in 2020.

Conservative pundits, engaged in a tussle with DC officials, adamantly refuse to release any details, including emails or text messages.

The DC-based Heritage Foundation argues that Harry’s visa application should be made public so that taxpayers can assess the veracity of his drug use claims.

According to a federal prosecutor, lying to immigration officials carries severe penalties, including deportation and a ban on applying for citizenship.

Admitting to drug use is typically grounds for inadmissibility under US immigration law.

Therefore, Harry’s visa should have been refused or revoked since he confessed to using cocaine, magic mushrooms, and other illicit substances.

The president of West Coast Trial Lawyers clarified that there are no exceptions for copyright or recreational use.

It is impossible for an ordinary person to enter the United States if they admit to past drug use.

The lawyer further remarked that Harry either lied on his visa forms or received special treatment.

He emphasized that Harry should face consequences for his behavior, just like anyone else, without any preferential treatment due to his status as a royal.

The lawyer also criticized Harry’s tendency to resort to legal action against anyone who hurts his feelings, including the UK government, newspapers, and the Metropolitan Police.

Furthermore, the lawyer stressed that the principles of democracy, freedom of speech, and equal treatment under the law should apply to everyone, without exception.

Despite his grudge against his own family, Harry continues to speak out, causing further embarrassment for them.

It appears that Harry and Meghan believe they have the authority to lecture others on how to live their lives, but they seem to be lost when it comes to abiding by the law.

If Harry obtained his visa under the extraordinary ability category, obtaining a US visa should concern him more than anyone else.

However, if he admitted to drug use and is still using drugs while seeking visa renewal, he may have to apply for a green card.

This could potentially complicate matters for him, as it is unlikely that Harry could lie after openly admitting to drug use on multiple occasions.

Additionally, there are doubts about whether Harry pays his fair share of taxes.

If he holds a special visa, he would only have to pay US income tax withholdings, while the rest of his income could come from a low-tax jurisdiction.

This treatment is not extended to ordinary individuals who do not possess extraordinary abilities or status.

Another lawyer expressed their opinion, stating that it is shameful if Harry receives preferential treatment due to his status.

In the United States, royalty is not recognized, and if Harry wants a burger, he will have to wait in line like everyone else.

His wife, Meghan, seems to believe that he is special, expecting special treatment wherever they go in the country, without palace advisors attending to them.

Ultimately, Harry is his own worst enemy.

Harry’s actions have put the United States in a difficult position.

The best course of action would be to refuse to renew his visa, sending a clear message that the US takes a strong stance against drugs.

It is time for Harry to face reality.

It is foolish to boast about killing people in Afghanistan while complaining about his family, especially when his grandmother was in the hospital and during her last year of life.

Doesn’t he have people around him to offer sound advice?

Harry’s behavior is unacceptable, particularly considering the impact of illegal drug use on countless lives.

It is disgusting for someone like him to almost brag about using substances, especially when America is grappling with a serious drug addiction crisis.

The news is filled with stories of families torn apart by drug use, particularly meth and fentanyl.

Harry lives a privileged life far removed from these hardships experienced by thousands of drug addicts living on the streets.

It would be unfair if Harry were allowed to escape accountability for his actions, unlike others in similar situations.

His book promotes illegal drugs, and he openly expressed his enjoyment of taking illicit substances in interviews.

This behavior is abhorrent, especially considering that drug education programs are prevalent in the US as the country battles drug addiction.

Harry’s family has protected and guided him for many years, but now he is destroying that same family for personal gain.

His self-absorption knows no bounds, as he no longer has palace advisors filtering his actions.

When he returns to the UK, if he ever does, it will be interesting to witness the airport scene.

While Meghan and their children receive a warm welcome, Harry may find himself stuck behind the immigration barrier.

Perhaps it is time for him to learn a lesson and realize that the rules apply to everyone.

In conclusion, Harry’s drug use poses a potential threat to his US visa.

The release of his visa application is being demanded to ascertain whether he disclosed his drug abuse prior to entering California.

Conservative pundits argue that taxpayers have the right to know the truth.

Admitting to drug use usually leads to inadmissibility, implying that Harry’s visa should have been rejected or revoked.

The lawyer warns against special treatment for Harry and emphasizes the importance of equal treatment under the law.

It remains to be seen how this situation will unfold, but one thing is clear: Harry’s actions have consequences, and he must face them just like anyone else.

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