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Harry Insists Diana Was Assassinated: The Truth Behind His Paranoid Claims

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Harry Insists Diana Was Assassinated: The Truth Behind His Paranoid Claims

In the world of the British monarchy, there are few figures as beloved and revered as Princess Diana.

Her untimely death in 1997 shook the world and left many wondering if there was more to the story than what the media and authorities claimed.

Now, over two decades later, her son Harry has reignited the debate by insisting that his mother was assassinated.

Despite the official explanation being a tragic accident, Harry’s recent actions and statements suggest he doesn’t believe it.

He recounted in spare how he asked his chauffeur to go through the Alma tunnel in Paris to recreate the last minutes of his mother’s death.

This anecdote, coupled with his behavior and comments in recent years, has led many to believe that he is hinting at alternative theories and perhaps even threatening the royal family.

Harry’s version of the reenactment makes no sense to those who know the tunnel well.

He couldn’t have gone through it at the speed Diana’s car was traveling and thought nothing of it.

This has led to speculation that he is expressing doubts about the media and police explanation.

It’s clear that Harry is completely paranoid at this point and interprets everything in the most sinister light, which he likely inherited from Diana.

Diana’s mental health problems were not solely due to the royal family, but rather her difficult upbringing.

She cheated on Charles with her bodyguard, Barry Manakee, who died in a motorbike accident about a year later.

Diana told anyone who would listen that he was bumped off and it was a head-on hit by a truck.

For those who don’t know, he wasn’t, and the circumstances of the accident were very straightforward.

Diana had been searching for love, the love she was denied by her parents and the love she was denied by Charles.

She spent the majority of her time after the divorce doing charity work.

She certainly wasn’t doing it for the money.

In contrast, Meghan Markle is often accused of being a gold digger.

Harry’s rampant cannabis use and his mother’s death have left him paranoid and constantly searching for comments about himself on social media.

He may have read all the conspiracy theories about his mother’s death, which could explain his strange justification for leaving the royal family and his irrational reaction to the British press.

To Harry, the British press is a proxy for other more sinister forces.

He wanted to leave because he thought they were going to be disposed of for being a nuisance, just as he thinks his mother was disposed of for the same reason.

Harry cannot accept the fact that his mother’s death was a tragedy and that she has some culpability in it.

Meghan Markle played into Harry’s delusions and paranoia and marketed herself to him as Diana number two, right down to wearing her blue bell perfume.

She was so effective that by the time the Australian tour wrapped up, Harry was demanding that the firm restructure to acknowledge and promote Meg as the most popular royal.

Ironically, on an Apple podcast about mental health, Harry mentioned that they are not going to stop until Meghan dies.

This isn’t even discussing the daily drug use and paranoia that exacerbate this.

The psychological explanation is that Harry believes he can save Meg, therefore indirectly saving his mother.

In conclusion, Harry’s toxic paranoia about Diana’s tragic accident is a sad reminder of the toll it took on him.

While it’s understandable that he wants to find answers, his behavior and actions suggest that he’s unwilling to accept the official explanation and is instead grasping at alternative theories.

It’s important to remember that Diana’s death was a tragedy, but it was also an accident.

It’s time for Harry to let go of his obsession and focus on his own mental health and wellbeing.

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