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Harry and Meghan’s Colombian Tour: A PR Disaster Unfolds

Photos: GETTY

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Harry and Meghan’s Colombian Tour: A PR Disaster Unfolds

Harry and Meghan’s recent tour of Colombia was supposed to shine a light on child protection, social justice, and Afro-descendant culture.

Instead, it has turned into a public relations disaster that has left many, including Vice President Francia Marquez, wishing they had never rolled out the red carpet for the Sussexes.

According to reports from Colombian news outlet CW Plus, the couple’s visit came with an eye-popping price tag of 8,000 million Colombian pesos, which is about $2 million.

This extravagant expenditure included security, transportation, and other lavish arrangements—all funded by the Colombian people.

In return for this costly hospitality, the nation received a wave of public outrage and fresh criticism regarding its resource management.

While Meghan and Harry seemingly enjoyed a luxury vacation, the reality for many Colombians is starkly different.

With 14% of the population living on just $25 a day, the sight of the royal couple flaunting their wealth felt particularly tone-deaf.

Meghan’s outfit alone could have provided food for a family for an entire year, raising eyebrows and ire among those struggling to make ends meet.

Vice President Marquez likely found herself regretting her decision to host the couple as they displayed an air of entitlement that was hard to ignore.

The initial excitement of hosting such high-profile guests quickly faded as the reality of their demands set in.

One can only imagine the look of disbelief on Marquez’s face when she realized she had been duped by what some might call royal grifters.

Far from the sympathetic figures portrayed in their Netflix docudrama, Meghan and Harry presented themselves as the demanding divas many have come to expect.

The polished image they cultivated was quickly stripped away once they arrived in Colombia.

Marquez likely had no idea just how much of a circus the Sussexes would bring with them.

Their notorious penchant for photo opportunities seemed to take center stage during the visit.

Rather than engaging with the local community, it appeared that Meghan and Harry were more focused on shaping a narrative that suited their image.

The tension between Meghan and VP Marquez was almost palpable, especially during the Afro Women Empowerment Conference in Cali, where Marquez appeared visibly frustrated.

Meghan’s knack for stealing the spotlight didn’t help her cause either.

The Colombian vice president might have underestimated how much Meghan would demand attention, and Colombian women are not known for tolerating anyone trying to overshadow them.

As the days wore on, it became increasingly clear that Marquez was regretting the invitation.

By the end of the visit, the mutual disdain between Meghan and the vice president was hard to miss.

The cordiality that had once existed was replaced by thin smiles and barely concealed irritation.

This isn’t the first time that the Sussexes have overstayed their welcome abroad, and it likely won’t be the last.

The disappointment expressed by the Colombian VP is yet another chapter in Meghan’s saga of seeking attention at any cost.

Each photo captured during their visit showcased the stark contrast between Meghan and Harry’s forced smiles and the solemn expressions of those around them.

The discontent of the Colombian public, hidden behind polite grins, serves as a reminder that the Sussexes’ antics are far from charming.

Their ongoing quest for the limelight often overshadows the genuine connections they claim to seek.

As they prepare for their next destination, one can only wonder if they will face a similarly chilly reception, as the world starts to see through their royal charade.

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