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Gwyneth Paltrow tells women to steam clean their vaginas

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Gwyneth Paltrow tells women to steam clean their vaginas

Gwyneth Paltrow has outdone herself. She recommends that women steam-clean their vaginas for increased energy, to adjust female hormones, and for a squeaky clean uterus, as stated on her “popular lifestyle website”

The Oscar winner praised the Mugwort V-Steam procedure at Tikkun Spa in Santa Monica on her website – a bit of TMI that has been criticized by specialists.

It works like this:

“You sit on what is essentially a mini-throne, and a combination of infrared and mugwort steam cleanses your uterus, et al. It is an energetic release – not just a steam douche – that balances female hormone levels.”

We’re not sure what that signifies, but it’s not good, according to a number of doctors who specialize in vaginal health.

‘Ms. Paltrow needs a little anatomy lesson because unless that steam is under high pressure, it’s not getting from the vagina into the uterus,’ said Dr. Jen Gunter, a California ob-gyn who specializes in vulvovaginal diseases on her website. ‘Air (whether hot of cold) does not magically wander from the vagina into the uterus. Heck, even water in the vagina doesn’t get sucked up by the uterus.’

“Steam is probably not good for your vagina. Herbal steam is no better and quite possibly worse,” said Dr. Jen Gunter, a California ob-gyn who specializes in vulvovaginal diseases.

“If you want to feel relaxed get a good massage — if you want to relax your vagina, have an orgasm,”

In a blog post, Gunter said, “Mugwort or wormwood… can’t possibly balance any reproductive hormones, regulate your menstrual cycle, treat depression, or cure infertility.”

Ms Paltrow’s statements that the steam “cleanses your uterus” were also disputed by Dr Gunter. “Steam isn’t going to get into your uterus from your vagina unless you are using an attachment with some kind of pressure. Most definitely never, ever do that,” she explained.

All of our orifices, including the ears, nose, anus, and vagina, virtually clean themselves. The pH of the vagina, the natural mix of bacteria that dwell in it, the mucus plug that lies at the top of the vagina, and the lining of the womb all work together to keep pathogens from the outside world from invading upwards from the vagina to the fallopian tubes. Sexually transmitted infections, contraceptive coils, and other surgical procedures can all cause infection. But, for the most part, it’s a well-run system.

It’s unreasonable to believe that steam cleaning can help balance hormones. Hormones are created by organs such as the brain and ovaries, travel via the bloodstream, and affect specific organs. Hormone levels cannot be affected by steaming the vaginal area. I strongly advise you to put the kettle away, make some soup with the mugwort, and detach yourself from this page.

The best thing to do, according to Dr Anna McNulty, Director of Sydney Sexual Health, is nothing. She explains, “Your vagina is very good at keeping itself healthy. Just leave it alone.”

In fact, not only is it ideal to do nothing, but it’s also critical to be aware of what’s going on in the vicinity. “It’s quite a delicate balance of bacteria,” Dr. McNulty explains. “Any intervention – like the trend of douching – can wash away the normal bacteria that keeps your vagina healthy.”

And such private parts treatment has been utilized on Chinese emperors for over 1,500 years. Today, though, we know better.

Dr. Amos Grunebaum, an ob-gyn at New York Presbyterian Hospital, told the Daily News, “I would never tell anybody to do this because the potential risks are much higher than the potential benefits.”

Death is the worst-case scenario. According to Grunebaum, women have died after filling their vaginal chambers with water or air pressure.

The GOOP advise given by Gwyneth Paltrow is erroneous. Perhaps she should limit herself to instructing folks on how to tidy their closets for $20,000 per season?

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