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Did Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Fake Archie’s Christening?

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Did Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Fake Archie’s Christening?

Samantha Markle, Meghan’s half-sister, accused her of “faking” Archie’s christening, and the tension is mounting. Samantha branded Meghan a “disgrace to the Markle name” for how she treated their shared father, Thomas Markle, in an interview with the Daily Star.

Samantha Markle made some obnoxious comments about Baby Archie’s christening. She alleged that the pictures from the event that Prince Harry and Meghan published after the ceremony were altered, accusing them of orchestrating the whole event.

Samantha Markle has reportedly branded her sister a “disgrace” to the family, according to The Sun, as the Duchess prepares to mark her first birthday as a mother this weekend.

Samantha called her “callous,” “shameful,” and a “disgrace to the Markle family name,” telling Daily Star Online that she  “hopes Archie treats her [Meghan] like she treated her dad,” with whom Meghan is said to have severed relations after her wedding.

Samantha began her conversation by discussing Meghan and Thomas’ relationship and how the Duchess of Sussex has distanced herself from her father after their 2018 wedding drama, which included Thomas posing for paparazzi photographs while studying the United Kingdom before to her nuptials.

Meghan Markle has never talked publicly about her estranged father and extended family since marrying into the royal family. Despite this, the Markles have made numerous digs at the Duchess of Sussex, inviting the press for interviews whenever they can.

Samantha felt Archie’s baptism in early July was “faked,” and added, “I’m amazed the chapel didn’t catch fire when she [Meghan] went inside it.”

“For my sister to go into a church knowing what she has done to our father, ignoring him through every holiday, the wedding, two heart attacks the birth and the christening, is disrespectful.”

This is a 180-degree reversal from Samantha Markle’s public apologies a few months ago, in which she said she regretted the terrible things she’d said about her sister in the media.

“My father has been amazing to her and all the PR in the world will not make her actions right. I hope the guilt consumes her. Everything put out about my father has been lies in order to make her look better and to purposely leave out Archie’s family because her ego won’t allow her to admit that she was wrong,” she claimed. “Everything about the christening look faked and photoshopped but more at issue is the fact that she has traded an entire family to be royal and shame on her.”

The half-sister of the Duchess of Sussex went on to defend their father.

Thomas Markle, Jr., Meghan’s half-brother, also alleged that Prince Harry and Meghan’s wedding left him homeless.

Samantha went on to say that everything said about their father was a lie, and that it was all done to make Meghan look better. Meghan has never responded to any of her allegations, according to her, since her ego would not allow her to acknowledge she was wrong.

The 54-year-old went on to say that she “feels sorry” Meghan and Prince Harry’s baby, Archie, for having “a mother like that.”

She said:

“He will grow up to know how controlling she is and that she knowingly and willingly hurt higher family but more than that Archie’s grandfather who is incredible and should have been in his life.

“She has been a disgrace to the Markle name. Our grandfather would disown meg if she were alive to witness Megs’ cold-hearted treatment of this family.”

Samantha Markle’s remarks came only days after the Duchess of Sussex’s guest edition of Vogue UK was announced.

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