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Arnold Schwarzenegger regrets abusing several women

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Arnold Schwarzenegger regrets abusing several women

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former Governor of California and Hollywood actor, has admitted to “stepping over the line several times” with women in the past, in an interview with Men’s Health.

This statement may have been in reference to the accusations of grping and humiliation that were made against him by six women in 2003.

At the time, Schwarzenegger denied the allegations and said they were part of a political smear campaign, as he was running for office when they became public.

He was not charged with any criminal offence in connection to these allegations.

However, Schwarzenegger has since reevaluated his behaviour towards women, in light of the #MeToo movement, which gained momentum in 2017 after allegations of sexual misconduct were made against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.

“Looking back, I stepped over the line several times, and I was the first one to say sorry,” he said. “I feel bad about it, and I apologize.”

He also revealed that he had undergone sexual harassment training after becoming Governor, to ensure that no one, including himself, would make the same mistakes in future.

Schwarzenegger left office in 2011, and shortly after, he admitted to cheating on his wife, Maria Shriver, with the family’s housekeeper, Mildred Baena.

The affair resulted in the birth of a son, who is now 21 years old. Shriver filed for divorce, but the couple remains technically married.

Schwarzenegger spoke of the affair with Men’s Journal in 2017, saying:

“You do think about it every so often, and I can beat myself up as much as I want—it’s not gonna change the situation. So the key thing is, how do you move forward? How do you have a great relationship with your kids?”

Despite reevaluating his past behaviour, Schwarzenegger insists that he has not changed the way he views masculinity.

“I’m a guy,” he said.

“I would not change my view of who I am.”

He also defended his use of the term “girlie men” to describe his political opponents in a 2004 appearance, saying that at the time, it felt like the right thing to do.

However, he has since admitted that it was shortsighted and that it is better not to use such language.

Schwarzenegger said that he has come to respect women more over the past 15 years.

“The woman I was originally most in love with was my mother,” he explained.

“I respected her, and she was a fantastic woman. I always had respect for women.”

The allegations of sexual misconduct made against Schwarzenegger in 2003 were made by six women, who claimed that he had groped and humiliated them in incidents dating back to the 1970s.

The allegations were made public during his campaign to become Governor of California, and he denied them at the time.

He later apologized for having “behaved badly,” but denied any criminal wrongdoing.

The #MeToo movement has seen numerous allegations of sexual harassment and assault being made against powerful men in various industries.

In Hollywood, many high-profile figures, including Weinstein, have been accused of sexual misconduct.

In politics, allegations have been made against several politicians, including former US President Donald Trump.

Schwarzenegger was a prominent Republican, and his admission of past behaviour towards women could potentially damage the party’s reputation. However, he remains a popular figure, with a large following on social media.

Schwarzenegger is not the first high-profile figure to admit to past misconduct in the wake of the #MeToo movement.

Comedian Louis C.K. admitted to sexual misconduct towards several women, while actor Kevin Spacey was accused of sexual assault and faced criminal charges before the case was dropped due to a lack of evidence.

The movement has brought attention to the issue of sexual harassment and assault and has sparked a wider conversation about gender equality and women’s rights.

Schwarzenegger’s admission of past misconduct and his subsequent apology have been met with mixed reactions.

Some have praised him for taking responsibility for his actions and acknowledging the harm that he caused.

Others have criticized him for not doing more to address the issue of sexual harassment and for not using his platform to advocate for women’s rights.

In recent years, Schwarzenegger has become an advocate for environmentalism and has been vocal about the need to address climate change.

He has also spoken out against political polarization and has called for greater cooperation between Democrats and Republicans.

Despite his past controversies, he remains a popular figure and continues to be involved in various philanthropic and political initiatives.

The #MeToo movement has had a significant impact on the entertainment industry, with many high-profile figures being accused of sexual misconduct.

The movement has led to the downfall of several powerful men, including Weinstein, and has raised awareness about the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault in the workplace.

However, the movement has also faced criticism from some who argue that it has led to a culture of “cancel culture” and that some accusations have been made without due process.

Others have argued that the movement has not done enough to address the issue of sexual harassment and assault in low-paying jobs, where women are particularly vulnerable.

Despite these criticisms, the #MeToo movement has led to important changes in how sexual harassment and assault are perceived and addressed.

Many companies have introduced new policies to prevent harassment and to support victims, and there is now a greater awareness about the need to create safer and more inclusive workplaces.

As for Schwarzenegger, his admission of past misconduct serves as a reminder that even powerful and influential individuals can behave inappropriately towards women.

However, his apology and commitment to learning from his mistakes offer hope that progress can be made towards creating a more equal and just society for all.

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