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Angelina Jolie throws knives at Brad Pitt when angry

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Angelina Jolie throws knives at Brad Pitt when angry

Angelina Jolie is taking anger management classes paid by Brad Pitt, who wants to stop her from throwing knives at him when she’s angry.

According to the China Daily, Pitt is hoping that Angelina will be able to manage her rage after that since he was afraid that her knife flinging may spiral out of control.

Angelina Jolie allegedly leaves filthy huge knife-gashes in every wall she encounters.

A source stated: “Angelina has quite a temper on her and she has been known to throw a few knives around when she is angry. Angelina learnt how to throw knives for the ‘Tomb Raider’ movies. She is a practiced knife-thrower so it’s a hobby and cathartic.”

“Brad is terrified Angelina will one day hit him with a knife, and cause him a serious injury or worse. Brad jokes about needing a stab-proof vest when Angelina is around!

“That’s why he bought her these Streaming Furies classes. It’s a new relaxation technique based on breathing, meditation and Tai Chi.”

Angelina, who has six kids, is very well known for her fiery temper.

It’s thought that these anger management classes will help Angelina Jolie wean herself off knife-throwing over the course of several months by slowly teaching her other types of cutlery-based catharsis. Now, for instance, Angelina Jolie apparently throws knives into walls, but soon she’ll learn to stab pieces of furniture with forks and then to pound the floor with a ladle before finally being able to work out her anger by wiping the back of a teaspoon down some curtains. It sounds wonderful.

And it won’t be the end of the world if Angelina Jolie can no longer throw knifes about at home when she’s angry, because she’s a powerful actress and can demand that scenes involving knives are written into each of her films to make do, as she recently did with the deleted scene from Changeling where, frustrated that the LAPD aren’t taking her story seriously, her character stabs a detective through the skull with a machete, before slashing the throats of four officers with one movement and ends up standing on top of a pile of mutilated policemen, roaring and swatting away helicopters with a disemboweled leg. True story.

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