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Amanda Seyfried accepted n-de scenes to save her job

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Amanda Seyfried accepted n-de scenes to save her job

Actress Amanda Seyfried has spoken about her experiences in Hollywood, discussing how the industry has changed since she began her career.

In an interview with Porter, Seyfried highlighted the increased awareness of industry issues and the presence of intimacy coordinators as key changes.

She also noted that young actors are now more empowered to speak up and are supported when they do.

Seyfried admitted that she experienced some uncomfortable moments in her early career, recalling one instance in which she walked around without underwear at the age of 19.

Seyfried said: “I was 19 and I didn’t want to upset anybody, and I wanted to keep my job. That’s why.”

Seyfried went on to explain that the desire to keep working was a huge motivating factor for her in her 20s, as she did not have the confidence to believe that she could become famous or recognised for her work.

However, Seyfried’s career has since gone from strength to strength, with her recent portrayal of Elizabeth Holmes in The Dropout receiving high praise.

Reflecting on her career, Seyfried said that while many of her roles were not too different from her natural personality, her recent performances in The Dropout and Mank had pushed her in new ways.

She stated that she wanted to be a character actor and play different people.

Seyfried’s comments on intimacy coordinators come after criticism from Game of Thrones and Snowpiercer star Sean Bean, who claimed that they can ruin s** scenes and spoil spontaneity.

Seyfried supported the use of intimacy coordinators, saying that they help to create a safe environment for actors.

Rachel Zegler, star of West Side Story, also emphasised the importance of safety for actors, while Lena Hall, who starred alongside Bean in Snowpiercer, spoke out in favour of intimacy coordinators, saying that if she felt uncomfortable during a scene, she would challenge its necessity or request an intimacy coordinator.

Seyfried also discussed her self-deprecating nature, saying that she had never expected to be singled out for praise during her career.

She stated: “Never expecting anything great, preparing for the worst, but just continuing to walk on my path.”

Seyfried’s comments on the industry’s changes echo those of many actors and industry figures who have spoken out about the need for greater safety and support for performers.

Intimacy coordinators have become an important part of the industry’s efforts to create a more supportive environment for actors during intimate scenes.

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