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Academy apologizes for Chris Rock’s jokes that offended Asians

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Academy apologizes for Chris Rock’s jokes that offended Asians

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences apologized for comments against Asians made by emcee Chris Rock during the 2016 Oscars ceremony more than three weeks later.

Rock’s comments occurred as he was detailing how the Oscars’ results were computed by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the “most dedicated, accurate and hard-working representatives” just as three Asian youngsters dressed in tuxedos and carrying briefcases went onstage behind him. The kids were adorable as always, but the stereotype of Asians as super smart, studious, nerdy, model minorities was not.

In a letter to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, double Oscar-winning director Ang Lee, ‘Star Trek’ actor George Takei, and more than 20 other people condemned the ‘tasteless and offensive skits’ about Asians and asked the academy to ensure that people of all races are treated with dignity.

‘In light of criticism over #OscarsSoWhite, we were hopeful that the telecast would provide the Academy a way forward and the chance to present a spectacular example of inclusion and diversity. Instead, the Oscars show was marred by a tone-deaf approach to its portrayal of Asians,’ according to the letter.

“We’d like to know how such tasteless and offensive skits could have happened and what process you have in place to preclude such unconscious or outright bias and racism toward any group in future Oscars telecasts.

‘We are committed to doing our best to ensure that material in future shows be more culturally sensitive.’

The bulk of the letter’s signers were startled that the incident had ever happened, according to David Magdael, an Academy member and part of the group’s public relations arm, who told The Hollywood Reporter this week. “When that skit came up in the middle of the Oscars, we all went like, ‘What?’ There was a collective, ‘That didn’t just happen,'” he remarked. “We found a lot of people who said, ‘We’re not going to accept this sort of joke anymore,’ especially right after [Academy president] Cheryl Boone Isaacs gave that speech about diversity.”

The Academy, according to a spokesperson, “understands the expressed concerns” and “regrets that any aspect of the Oscar telecast was offensive.”

In the future, the Academy will aim to be more “culturally sensitive,” they said.

‘If anybody’s upset about that joke just tweet about it on your phone that was also made by these kids,’ Rock remarked while hosting.

Although it took The Academy two weeks to respond to the outrage, the group appears to have made a half-hearted attempt to make apologies. The question of whether or not Rock will be called back to host is another matter entirely.

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