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Harry and Meghan’s Colombian Adventure: A Royal PR Stunt or Genuine Philanthropy?

Photos: GETTY

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Harry and Meghan’s Colombian Adventure: A Royal PR Stunt or Genuine Philanthropy?

Harry and Meghan’s recent trip to Colombia has sparked quite the conversation.

The couple, known for their royal status and media presence, embarked on this journey as part of their promotional efforts leading up to the Invictus Games next year.

However, many are questioning whether this visit was truly about philanthropy or merely a well-orchestrated publicity stunt.

Upon their arrival, the couple was warmly welcomed by Colombia’s Vice President, Francia Marquez.

It was a moment filled with excitement, not just for the royals but for the nation as well.

Meghan, always one to make a fashion statement, wore a pair of Princess Diana’s iconic earrings.

This choice seemed more like a reminder of her royal ties than a tribute, making it clear that she intended to keep the spotlight firmly on herself.

Their first major engagement took place at Colegio La Giralda in Santa Fe, a local school.

Here, Meghan and Harry engaged in what can only be described as a photo opportunity, planting trees alongside children.

Meghan assisted a young girl named Manuela in planting a walnut tree, while Harry took on the task of planting a guayacan, a native species.

This brief interaction, however, felt more like a staged event than a genuine act of kindness.

While the couple aimed to charm royal watchers, their efforts came off as somewhat insincere.

Meghan’s attempt to connect with a girl the same age as her son, Archie, felt forced, as if sharing an age could somehow bridge the vast gap between their lives of privilege and those of the children they were visiting.

Meanwhile, Harry struggled with the Spanish language, fumbling through questions as he attempted to communicate with the students.

Adding to the awkwardness of the situation was the fact that these children had been led to believe they would meet James Rodriguez, a famous football player.

Instead, they found themselves face-to-face with Harry and Meghan, two figures they barely recognized.

The disappointment was palpable, and it was clear that the children were less than impressed.

This disconnect raises questions about the couple’s awareness of their surroundings.

Their visit, intended to showcase their benevolence, instead revealed a troubling detachment from reality.

Rather than engaging authentically, they appeared more focused on managing their image and controlling the narrative surrounding their visit.

The absence of outside media during their time in Colombia further fueled suspicions.

By curating a perfect Instagram aesthetic and excluding independent journalists, Harry and Meghan seemed more interested in projecting an image of charity than genuinely connecting with the community.

Their actions suggested that maintaining a facade of altruism was more important than any real engagement.

Vice President Marquez’s participation in this spectacle only complicates matters.

By endorsing the couple’s carefully scripted visit, she risks her own credibility.

Her involvement raises eyebrows about her motives and whether she truly believes in the cause or is simply playing along for the publicity.

Reports from local sources indicate that the children felt let down.

Promised a celebrity encounter, they were left with a royal couple who seemed out of touch with their reality.

It’s no surprise that the kids appeared bored and uninterested—after all, who wouldn’t feel disillusioned when expectations fall flat?

Harry and Meghan’s Colombian excursion has been criticized as little more than a publicity stunt.

What could have been a meaningful engagement turned into yet another opportunity for self-promotion.

The end result?

A room full of disappointed children, a lack of media coverage, and a growing skepticism about the couple’s charitable intentions.

In the end, this trip raises significant questions about the authenticity of their philanthropic efforts.

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