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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Colombian Adventure: A Royal Farce Unveiled

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Colombian Adventure: A Royal Farce Unveiled

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s much-anticipated four-day tour of Colombia kicked off with all the pomp and circumstance one would expect from a royal engagement, but it wasn’t long before drama took center stage.

The Sussexes arrived in Bogotá on Thursday to a warm welcome from Colombia’s vice-president, Francia Marquez.

From there, they dove headfirst into a packed schedule that included visits to a local school, an arts center musical performance, and an internet safety summit.

Their every move was under tight security, reminiscent of a royal DIY tour.

However, amid the glitz and glamour, a curious revelation emerged regarding Meghan Markle’s supposed fluency in Spanish.

Despite her grand claims about mastering the language, she was spotted wearing headphones to listen to a translator during various events.

This was quite the spectacle for those who might have believed her assertions of bilingual prowess.

The narrative of Meghan’s Spanish skills traces back to her 2002 internship at the US Embassy in Buenos Aires.

She has often claimed that this experience, coupled with her double major in international relations and theatre, equipped her with enough Spanish to impress.

In fact, she even boasted to Marie Claire in 2013 about her time in Argentina, hinting at aspirations for a political career.

Adding to her narrative, she claimed to have spent months in Madrid studying Spanish while living with a host family.

So, it was quite shocking to see Meghan, who has publicly bragged about her fluency, caught red-handed relying on a translation device in Colombia.

It felt like watching a magician’s trick unravel—one moment she’s touting her language skills, and the next, she’s glued to a translator.

Interestingly, Harry, who might have needed some translation help himself, seemed to manage just fine without it.

It raised questions about whether Meghan’s Spanish abilities were more of a façade than a genuine skill.

The absurdity peaked when Meghan was seen gesturing toward the translation device, perhaps inquiring if another one was available.

One can only wonder if the device was originally meant for Harry, considering the high expectations surrounding Meghan’s language capabilities.

Her swift grab of the device did little to bolster her reputation, instead painting her as a figure of deception.

But it’s not just the translation device that’s raising eyebrows.

Meghan’s entire narrative of being multilingual appears to be crumbling.

Her claims of Spanish fluency, much like her previous assertions about speaking French, seem to be nothing more than elaborate fabrications.

The reality is that she has shown no real command of Spanish; her true fluency lies in self-deception and playing the victim.

Her responses to questions, where she removed the translation earpiece as soon as a query was completed, only confirmed suspicions.

It became clear that she neither understands nor speaks Spanish.

This situation mirrors the classic tale of the emperor’s new clothes; Meghan’s supposed linguistic skills are nothing but empty claims.

Had Meghan genuinely committed to learning even a few basic Spanish phrases, it would have shown respect and effort.

Instead, her lackluster attempts at feigned fluency, combined with her reliance on translation devices, highlighted her apparent laziness and pretense.

The glaring absence of any real effort to master the language was evident throughout her visit.

As Meghan continues her tour, it becomes increasingly clear that her grand displays seem more aimed at self-promotion for her American audience than at fostering authentic connections with the Colombian people.

Each encounter appears to serve as a backdrop for PR stunts rather than genuine cultural engagement.

In the grand theatre of Meghan Markle’s Spanish-speaking façade, the most significant revelation is how effortlessly she perpetuates lies on the global stage.

Rather than showcasing her supposed linguistic abilities, the Colombian tour has instead underscored the extent of her deceit.

As this saga unfolds, one can’t help but think: keep revealing those lies, Meghan.

It seems to be the only thing you truly excel at.

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