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Shia LaBeouf Tried To Steal Food From Homeless Man

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Shia LaBeouf Tried To Steal Food From Homeless Man

Witnesses say Shia LaBeouf chased after and clashed with a homeless guy as he tried to steal food from the man’s McDonald’s bag only hours before his arrest Thursday for interrupting a Broadway production of Cabaret.

“He really wanted whatever was in that bag. He had so much focus … If there were French fries in the bag, maybe he really wanted to eat them, ” a witness said.

“He was dodging people and yelling, ‘Yo, come on!’ …” he continued. “He was on a mission. It was so bizarre.”

The witness, who works in the publishing sector, was heading home from work with his girlfriend about 6:23 p.m. when they saw the “Transformers” star swerving pedestrians to catch up with the homeless guy on Broadway and 49th Street.

“At first I thought the bum had stolen something from [LaBeouf].. But the bum was responding in almost a joking manner.”

“It was like they were playing tag!” his girlfriend said.

Shia’s saga was initially reported by Variety on Thursday evening, with the claim that LaBeouf was “disruptive” during the first act of “Cabaret.”

Shia was cat-calling — he was vociferous — when the Kit Kat ladies came out, a source told The Post.

Brigitte Stelzer

According to the source, “During the first act, Alan walks through the house [audience]” as the show’s kinky, bisexual emcee.

“He walked directly past Shia, and Shia slapped Alan on the ass. Alan was in character and was very professional. He knew not to engage, and he carried on walking.”

“Shia was being lewd, grunting and yelling in a lascivious way, ‘Oh yeaaaaaaaaaaah,’” said another witness. “It was really odd and creepy.”

Officers threw him into a holding cell at Midtown North, where he screamed at them, “I’m going to kick your a–. I’m going to kick your ass,” police sources said.

After being dragged out of a Broadway theater for reportedly assaulting performers, smoking inside, and spewing obscenities later on Thursday night, the 28-year-old former child star was released by police today.

“Just saw Shia LaBeouf in handcuffs in tears surrounded by 6 police officers outside of Cabaret the musical,” Benj Pasek said on Twitter. “Oh New York, you’re a wild b***h,” the Tony nominee said.

On Facebook, Danny Burstein added, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your places call for Act II. Also, to let you know, Shia LaBeouf has just been escorted from the building in handcuffs. Yep, that just happened.”

Another witness claimed, “It was bizarre – he was so crazy, it was making us all nervous.”

“Shia was escorted out of the show at intermission because he was disruptive,” one insider said. “It was not Alan who had him removed. It was dealt with by house management, and the decision was taken to remove him at intermission because it would have been more disruptive to remove him during the show.”

On Friday morning, the actor left a Midtown court hearing wearing the same shredded blue T-shirt, slim jeans, and boots he wore the night before. He had come in front of the judge, accompanied by a Legal Aid counsel, and said nothing.

So far, no charges have been filed, and it’s unknown if LaBeouf was hauled out of the building wearing a paper bag.

The court ordered him freed on his own recognizance, despite prosecutors’ request for $2,500 bail.

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