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Emma Watson Refuses to take selfies with her fans

Photos: GETTY

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Emma Watson Refuses to take selfies with her fans

Unless you’re prepared to be rejected, don’t bother asking Emma Watson for a selfie.

Those who are fortunate enough to come across the Harry Potter star may be upset to learn that she does not want to be photographed with them because she is afraid of being traced the moment the photo is posted online.

“For me, it’s the difference between having a life and not,” she explained. “If someone takes a photograph of me and posts it, within two seconds they’ve created a marker of exactly where I am within 10 metres. They can see what I’m wearing and who I’m with.”

There are exceptions for some people: “Children I don’t say no to, for example,” Watson added, since she would “make someone’s freakin’ week.”

Watson is used to being the center of attention, having grown up in the limelight of the “Harry Potter,” series, which has a huge fan following.

She stated that she has come up with a solution for people who are really eager to meet her.

“I’ll say, ‘I will sit here and answer every single Harry Potter fandom question you have but I just can’t do a picture,'” she explained.

The British actress, who has played Hermione since she was a youngster, isn’t one to back down from a problem. “I’ve been doing this since I was 10 or 11, and I’ve often thought, I’m so wrong for this job because I’m too serious; I’m a pain in the ass; I’m difficult; I don’t fit,” she said. “But as I’ve got older, I’ve realized, No! Taking on those battles, the smaller ones and the bigger ones, is who I am.”

While the Harry Potter actress is no stranger to celebrity, she also understands when to take a vacation from it all.

“There have been hard moments in my career when I’ve had an agent or a movie producer say, ‘You are making a big mistake,'” Watson remarked.

“But what’s the point of achieving great success if you feel like you’re losing your freakin’ mind? I’ve had to say, ‘Guys, I need to go back to school,’ or ‘I just need to go home and hang out with my cats.’ People have looked at me and been like, ‘Is she insane?’ But, actually, it’s the opposite of insane.”

Emma wants to keep her personal life private and, as a result, refuses to discuss her partner in interviews.

“I want to be consistent: I can’t talk about my boyfriend in an interview and then expect people not to take paparazzi pictures of me walking around outside my home,” she explained. “You can’t have it both ways.”

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