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Natalie Portman denies dating ‘creepy’ Moby after he tells ‘disturbing’ account of Their Relationship

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Natalie Portman denies dating ‘creepy’ Moby after he tells ‘disturbing’ account of Their Relationship

Natalie Portman slammed Moby for writing a “very disturbing” depiction of their relationship in his new book, Then It Fell Apart.

The singer claimed to have had a short romantic affair with the young celebrity after meeting her backstage at one of his gigs in his tell-all biography. “I was a bald binge drinker and Natalie Portman was a beautiful movie star. But here she was in my dressing room, flirting with me,” he describes how he felt in an extract from his book It Felt Apart.

The actress was replying to Moby’s new biography, which alleges that after a gig in 2001, Portman asked him out.

“I was a bald binge drinker and Natalie Portman was a beautiful movie star. But here she was in my dressing room, flirting with me,” he wrote.

He recalls meeting her when she was studying at Harvard in Boston later in the book: “I took a taxi to Cambridge to meet Natalie. We held hands and wandered around Harvard, kissing under the centuries-old oak trees. At midnight she brought me to her dorm room and we lay down next to each other on her small bed. After she fell asleep I carefully extracted myself from her arms and took a taxi back to my hotel.”

He goes on to describe what he refers to as a “dating relationship” with Portman, a description that the “Vox Lux” actress has openly refuted.

In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar UK, Portman remarked, “I was surprised to hear that he characterised the very short time that I knew him as dating because my recollection is a much older man being creepy with me when I just had graduated high school.”

“There was no fact checking from him or his publisher — it almost feels deliberate,” she continued. “That he used this story to sell his book was very disturbing to me. It wasn’t the case. There are many factual errors and inventions. I would have liked him or his publisher to reach out to fact check.”

Moby had told her, “Let’s be friends,” and they had “hung out a handful of times,” she said.

Their affair ended, according to Moby, when Portman informed that she had met another guy, which he characterized as a “sweet relief.” Moby remembered, “I thought that I was going to have to tell her that my panic was too egregious for me to be in a real relationship, but one night on the phone she informed me that she’d met somebody else. I was relieved that I’d never have to tell her how damaged I was.”

However, Portman disputed the depiction, calling Moby a “creep” who had overstepped his limits.

“He said I was 20; I definitely wasn’t. I was a teenager. I had just turned 18. That he used this story to sell his book was very disturbing to me.”

She went on to say: “I was a fan and went to one of his shows when I had just graduated. He was on tour and I was working shooting a film, so we only hung out a handful of times before I realised that this was an older man who was interested in me in a way that felt inappropriate.”


Moby reacted to her comments on Instagram, stating that he is “confused” by what she said and “can’t figure out why she would actively misrepresent the truth about our(albeit brief)involvement.” He went on to say that although he understood her “possible regret in dating me,” it “doesn’t alter the actual facts of our brief romantic history.”

Moby replied to her statements by uploading an Instagram photo of the two of them together and claiming that her story “confused me, as we did, in fact, date.”

“And after briefly dating in 1999 we remained friends for years. I like Natalie, and I respect her intelligence and activism. But, to be honest, I can’t figure out why she would actively misrepresent the truth about our (albeit brief) involvement.” The book narrative was “accurate, with lots of corroborating photo evidence, etc,” he stated.

“I completely respect Natalie’s possible regret in dating me (to be fair, I would probably regret dating me, too), but it doesn’t alter the actual facts of our brief romantic history,” he continued.

Furthermore, Portman feels he lied about the nature of their encounters to “sell his book” and she would have preferred that he or his publishers fact-check the account. “That he used this story to sell his book was very disturbing to me,” she continues.

The book isn’t the first time Moby has discussed his relationship with Portman. He told Spin magazine in 2008 that they had a “very brief affair” in which he became the object of “nerd wrath.”

He stated, alluding to Portman’s position in the Star Wars prequels, “You can’t date Luke Skywalker’s mom and not have them hate your guts.”

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