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Tim Allen reflects on 2-year Prison Stint on Cocaine Charges

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Tim Allen reflects on 2-year Prison Stint on Cocaine Charges

Tim Allen has spoken up about his time in prison for cocaine possession.

After getting nabbed in 1978 with more than a pound of cocaine at Michigan’s Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport, the “Last Man Standing” actor served almost two-and-a-half years in federal prison. The actor, who is now 67 years old, pled guilty to drug trafficking charges.

On Monday’s edition of the “WTF with Marc Maron” podcast, Allen, who was 23 at the time, reflected on his time in jail, saying, “I was an eff up.”

“After my old man died, I really just played games with people and told adults what they wanted to hear and then stole their booze,” he added. “Really I was Eddie Haskell [from Leave it to Beaver]: Yes, Mrs. Cleaver. No, Mrs. Cleaver, I knew exactly what adults wanted — make your bed, be polite, use a napkin — and then I’d go steal everything in the house.”

During the show, he stated, “We were a bunch of college kids — a bunch of the people who overdid it. Two of us took [the punishment] for about 20 guys.”

Tim Allen reflected on his troubled past in a new interview.

Following his arrest, the Buzz Lightyear voice actor claimed he was “very contrite,” adding that the eight-month interval between his charge and sentence caused him to reflect on his life, which he described as “terribly stressful.”

Allen’s mugshot has followed him throughout his career. However, the comic has been clean for over two decades.

The Last Man Standing remarked of his time in prison, “I just shut up and did what I was told. It was the first time ever I did what I was told and played the game. I learned literally how to live day by day. And I learned how to shut up. You definitely want to learn how to shut up.”

The 67-year-old described how fast he adjusted to jail life, saying, “Eventually, after eight months, I got used to it. There were ok times. Saturday we got better food. Eventually I went from a holding cell arrangement to my own cell.”

Now that he’s sober, Allen says he’s “grateful” for his current life and his sobriety.

He stated, “I love my life. I’m not any more mentally stable, I have the same issues I had. Now, I can’t hide from them.”

The Santa Clause performer, who has been sober for over 23 years and is “clean of everything,” also discussed his drinking habits.

“Alcohol never affected me like the other guys. I could drink copious amounts even [as] a young kid,” he said on the podcast, recalling a time when he was blacked out drunk and drove his buddies home, an incident that still bothers him.

The self-described “fiscal conservative” comic-actor also discussed his political views, which occasionally surprise fans (Twitter was trending with amazement on Wednesday) since some people mistake him for a Hollywood liberal.

“I literally don’t preach anything,” said Allen. “What I’ve done is just not joined into, as I call it, the ‘we culture.’ I’m not telling anybody else how to live. I don’t like that, ‘We should do this’ or, ‘We should do that.’”

Allen added, “Once I realized that the last president pissed people off, I kind of liked that. So it was fun to just not say anything. Didn’t join in the lynching crowd.”

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