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Henry Cavill once got an erection while Filming a sex scene

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Henry Cavill once got an erection while Filming a sex scene

Henry Cavill admits to getting an erection while filming a sex scene.

Although we can’t blame him because he was filming a sex scene, we can’t dispute his embarrassment. The Man of Steel star says on the September cover of Men’s Fitness that he had to apologize for getting a bit turned on during filming a scene for The Tudors.

In the interview, he said, “It only happened to me once, and it was very embarrassing. A girl had to be on top of me, she had spectacular breasts, and I hadn’t rearranged my — stuff into a harmless position. She’s basically rubbing herself all over me and, um, it got a bit hard.”

Cavill said, “I had to apologise profusely afterward. It’s not great when you’re in a professional acting environment and somebody gets a boner, is it? No, not acceptable.”

Even though we only see the end result as viewers, the actor describes how hard it is to capture intimate moments when there are so many others in the room watching!

He continues, “You don’t think of sex scenes as showing your bum to the nation. It’s actually acutely uncomfortable being naked in a roomful of people. The very last thing it is is sexy. The actual physicality is very uncomfortable. All you’re doing is smacking your nuts against someone, and nothing is going in.”

Henry also admits that he’s presently single and isn’t a fan of the “American style” of dating in the interview. “American dating is like carpet bombing,” the star of “The Man from U.N.C.L.E.” shares, “You date 16 women all at once and eventually one of them is supposed to pop out of the crowd? I can’t do that.”

He adds, “I’m 32 years old. I do want to find a wife and raise a family. I prefer the British way: get talking and see what happens, one at a time.”

He wasn’t always popular with the ladies. He claims to have been overweight as a teenager.

“They used to call me Fat Cavill,” he recalls. “I was a prime target for them. I actually had rolls of fat on me. One guy told me I had tits. I was a big eater, and I still love food. I’m still an indulger, in alcohol, in food, in all the things I enjoy in life. I’ve never been able to do things in half measures. That’s probably why I was fat as a kid.”

“And yet as much as people made fun of me, there was no actual bullying,” he says. ” … But I will admit I was quite bitter for a while. They also called me a ‘lemon,’ a guy who gets nowhere with the girls.”

After spells on television, most notably The Tudors, as well as minor appearances on Immortals, Tristan + Isolde, and Stardust, the Englishman gained a household name with his big screen portrayal as Clark Kent in 2013’s Man of Steel.

Guy Ritchie co-wrote and directed The Man From U.N.C.L.E., which Cavill co-stars in alongside Armie Hammer and Alicia Vikander and is based on the famous 1960s TV series of the same name.

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