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Netflix to Part Ways with Duke and Duchess in Bombshell Revelation

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Netflix to Part Ways with Duke and Duchess in Bombshell Revelation

In a shocking turn of events, it has been reported that Netflix will sever ties with the self-righteous Duke and Duchess of Sussex once their contract expires, potentially resulting in a substantial financial loss for the couple.

The past weekend was anything but uneventful for Prince Harry, as he found himself entangled in a civil war crisis in Russia.

Amidst all this chaos, it was revealed that Harry had invited none other than Vladimir Putin to appear on his podcast, sparking speculation about the nature of their conversation.

The question arises: what topics would Harry discuss with the controversial Russian leader?

Would they delve into childhood anecdotes, such as Harry’s disappointment over not receiving the desired puppy at the age of five or his perceived lack of affection from his mother?

It seems that Harry is determined to uncover the roots of Putin’s transformation from a seemingly ordinary individual to a murderous dictator.

However, the past 48 hours have been challenging for both Harry and Meghan, with revelations surfacing about their failed endeavors in the United States.

As rumors swirled on the streets of Moscow, publications like the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg wasted no time in labeling the couple as failures.

The Bloomberg report shed light on the podcast ideas that Meghan and Harry had pitched to Spotify earlier this month, which ultimately fell through.

Among the proposed guests were not only Putin but also former US President Donald Trump and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg – individuals who have been heavily criticized for their impact on democracy.

One cannot help but wonder why Harry would attempt to humanize figures like Putin and Trump, who have jeopardized the free world for their own egos.

Did he truly believe that these controversial leaders would embrace the idea?

It appears that Harry underestimated his influence after leaving the monarchy and relocating to California.

His pulling power as a royal seems to have diminished significantly.

Furthermore, Harry’s ambitious plans for his podcast series, tackling topics ranging from climate change to religion, included an aspiration to interview Pope Francis.

However, it seems he overlooked the fact that neither Putin nor the Pope grants interviews in English.

The lack of research raises questions about the couple’s ability to execute their ideas effectively.

Adding to their woes, the Wall Street Journal highlighted the couple’s underwhelming Hollywood careers, citing numerous cancellations and rejections.

Their production company, Archewell, has been criticized for lacking direction, and Meghan and Harry often appear surprised by the demanding nature of the entertainment industry.

Many of their proposed projects seem to mimic successful shows already on Netflix, such as a sitcom resembling “Emily in Paris,” albeit with a male lead.

Another questionable idea is a prequel centered around Meghan’s character in “Suits,” portraying her as a strong woman in a patriarchal society.

In a further blow to their financial prospects, The Sun reported that Meghan and Harry could lose $7.7 million if they fail to produce compelling content for Netflix.

Considering the potential loss from their canceled Spotify deal, the couple could be facing a staggering $92 million setback.

These stories paint a picture of Harry and Meghan lacking creativity, follow-through, and a strong work ethic.

They seem to rely heavily on their courage, which may not be enough to sustain them in the competitive world of entertainment.

Looking ahead, if Netflix decides not to renew their contract in 2025, Harry and Meghan could find themselves unemployed and unemployable.

While Harry still holds a position as the impact director of a coaching and mental conditioning platform, Meghan’s options appear limited.

Speculation about her becoming the face of a luxury fashion brand was quickly debunked, as industry experts deemed her too controversial.

It seems that their uneven resumes make it challenging for TV, movie, podcast, and fashion companies to collaborate with them.

In light of these circumstances, one may wonder where the couple will find financial stability.

Perhaps exploring avenues like the home shopping network or selling supplements through social media platforms could provide a solution.

However, their questionable track record raises doubts about their ability to secure lucrative partnerships.

If Harry intends to pursue a podcast about controversial figures from his past, he may want to consider alternative topics to engage listeners effectively.

In conclusion, the Netflix debacle has brought to light the potential end of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s partnership with the streaming giant.

Their future prospects remain uncertain, and it seems that their royal stories alone may not be enough to sustain their careers.

As the entertainment industry finally realizes their limited creative abilities, Harry and Meghan find themselves at a crossroads, desperately seeking avenues to secure their financial future.

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