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Queen Denies Harry and Meghan’s Request to Christen Lilibet in Windsor

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Queen Denies Harry and Meghan’s Request to Christen Lilibet in Windsor

The Sussexes have found themselves in hot water after expressing their desire to have their daughter, Lilibet, christened in Windsor in the presence of the Queen.

This move has been seen by many as a dangerous PR stunt and a soap opera act by the couple who are accused of wanting to maintain their royal privileges.

In recent months, Harry and Meghan have made several accusations against the Queen, accusing her of causing them pain and suffering and alleging racism within the royal family.

However, despite their criticisms, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex still seem eager to hold onto the benefits of royal living.

Royal sources have revealed that Harry and Meghan made their intentions clear during Harry’s recent visit to the UK for the unveiling of Princess Diana’s statue.

According to these sources, Harry expressed his desire to have Lilibet christened at Windsor, just like her older brother.

The couple is reportedly willing to wait until circumstances allow for this to happen.

However, this request has not been received well by the royal family.

A source close to the Queen expressed anger, calling it a “Meghan gets what Meghan wants” moment.

It seems that Harry and Meghan expect the Queen to stand before them and grant their wish, despite their disrespectful behavior towards her.

Interestingly, Lilibet has not yet been given her rightful place in the line of succession, even though she was born six weeks ago.

This raises questions about the couple’s hypocrisy in disparaging the royal family while still seeking to enjoy the privileges that come with being part of it.

Meghan, in particular, has shown displeasure when her children were not given titles.

Since their bombshell interview with Oprah, Harry and Meghan have been trying to repair their image and make it seem as if they are on good terms with the Queen.

However, their actions, such as naming their daughter after Harry’s mother and the Queen’s nickname, have only fueled speculation that they are still attached to the royal family for their own gain.

In response to their request for a traditional royal christening, it has been suggested that the Queen should insist on certain conditions.

If they want the ceremony to be held in the traditional manner, with all the details and photos made public, then Harry and Meghan should pay for the use of facilities and services, as they are no longer considered royals.

Considering the strained relationship between the Sussexes and the rest of the royal family, it is unlikely that this christening will take place anytime soon.

The British royal family sees this request as yet another attempt by Harry and Meghan to capitalize on their association with the Queen, particularly by obtaining a picture of baby Lilibet with Her Majesty.

It is clear that Harry has overplayed his hand, and if the christening does not happen, it won’t be surprising if he and Meghan play the victim card once again, accusing the family of being spiteful.

However, many believe that the family is simply being cautious and prudent, given the couple’s past behavior.

In the past, the couple faced backlash for their insistence on privacy during Archie’s christening, including refusing to reveal the names of his godparents.

This goes against the tradition of announcing the godparents’ identities beforehand.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, on the other hand, allowed the media to cover their children’s christenings and released family photographs afterwards.

It remains to be seen how enthusiastic the royal family will be about Lilibet’s christening.

The couple’s previous claim that they had sought the Queen’s permission to use her nickname without actually doing so has already caused tension.

Harry and Meghan’s actions seem to be turning the royal family into a real-life soap opera, while the family tries to maintain their dignity.

In conclusion, it is clear that Harry and Meghan’s request for a royal christening for Lilibet in Windsor has not been well-received by the Queen and the rest of the royal family.

The couple’s behavior, both past and present, has raised questions about their true intentions and their desire to maintain their connection to the royal family for financial gain.

The future of Lilibet’s christening remains uncertain, but it is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

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