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Chris Rock Calls Out Will Smith and Meghan Markle in Candid Interview

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Chris Rock Calls Out Will Smith and Meghan Markle in Candid Interview

In a surprising turn of events, comedian Chris Rock has finally spoken out about fellow actor Will Smith and Duchess Meghan Markle.

During a joint multi-day tour with Dave Chappelle at Liverpool’s M&S Arena, Rock took the opportunity to share his candid thoughts on these two prominent figures.

Rock began by acknowledging Smith’s long-standing reputation as a seemingly flawless individual, stating, “He managed to pretend he was a perfect man for 30 years before revealing that he was as flawed as the rest of us.”

This comment shed light on Smith’s recent revelations about his personal struggles and challenges.

However, it was Rock’s remarks about Meghan Markle that truly caught the audience’s attention.

Addressing her complaints about life in the royal family, Rock humorously expressed his confusion, saying, “I just don’t understand.

She used her experiences as an example of the current obsession with victimhood, which seems to be one of the only ways to achieve fame nowadays.”

Rock then questioned the consequences of black people turning against Meghan.

He mentioned several individuals who have criticized her, including Alison P Davis, Svely Veli Mandela, and Dr. John Carney.

These figures have debunked her narratives and called into question her credibility.

Rock suggested that Meghan may be playing the victim card to gain popularity, citing Mariah Carey’s recent label of her as a diva on her own podcast.

The conversation surrounding Meghan’s accusations of racism in the British press also came up during a discussion on the Kyle and Jackie O show.

Australian radio host Kyle Sanderlund branded Meghan an imbecile and dismissed her claims, stating, “She needs to get over it.

She’s an imbecile.”

Sanderlund’s co-host, Jackie O Henderson, added that if one joins the royal family, they must abide by their rules and traditions.

Meghan and Prince Harry’s return to the UK has not been met with open arms by royal insiders.

They have been labeled as delusional, and their actions have reportedly left the Queen on edge.

A disgruntled palace insider expressed disappointment, stating, “Everyone hoped they would pursue their own path and be happy, but their association with the royal family seems to fuel the flames of discord.”

Critics have also taken issue with Meghan’s claim that a South African cast member of the Lion King live adaptation celebrated her marriage to Prince Harry in a manner reminiscent of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison.

The unnamed source dismissed this comparison as delusional, stating, “There are simply no words for the delusion and tragedy of it all.

Nelson Mandela?

Who’s next, Gandhi?”

As tensions continue to rise, it remains to be seen how Meghan will respond to these criticisms.

Will she attribute them to racism or finally acknowledge that she may not be as likable as she believes?

Only time will tell.

One thing is certain, though – the Queen does not want to be constantly on edge, waiting for the next bombshell to drop.

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