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Prince William: More to Learn Before Becoming King

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Prince William: More to Learn Before Becoming King

The Prince of Wales, Prince William, is not yet ready to take the throne, according to one royal commentator.

While celebrating his 41st birthday recently, Westminster Abbey rang its bells in celebration of the future monarch’s special day.

However, Professor Pauline Maclaurin, who specializes in marketing and consumer research at Royal Holloway University, believes that Prince William has more to learn before he can become king.

In an interview with The Times, Prince William revealed that he has made ending vagrancy his lifelong ambition.

He has been preparing to become king all his life, but according to Professor Maclaurin, he still has more to learn in his quest to modernize the monarchy.

She believes that this period as the Prince of Wales will teach him a lot about what he can do for positive change without destroying the intrinsic ambiguity of monarchy.

This ambiguity is a fundamental reason why people are drawn to them.

She added that “he has more to learn in his quest to modernize the monarchy.”

A survey conducted by Lord Michael Ashcroft prior to the coronation revealed that William was the most popular monarch, beating his father and his wife.

According to Professor Maclaurin, his popularity over his father can be explained by the fact that he is more attractive and confident in public than the king, having inherited his late mother’s charms.

William shows more confidence and charisma than his father.

While Charles can sometimes seem uncertain or even reluctant to step into the spotlight, William appears more open and relaxed about the public nature of his position.

He has a lot of his mother’s charm in that regard, which helps a lot with his popularity.

Even before he began devoting his full attention to royal duties in 2013, William had championed the environment and advocated for the homeless.

His first sponsorship was Centrepoint in 2005, a homeless charity that Princess Diana took him to.

Most recently, in 2020, William launched the Earthshot Prize, which is officially established as an independent charity, which the prince chairs last year.

Professor Maclaurin said, “William has really evolved over the years in terms of his confidence and poise.

We’ve also seen him take on more leadership roles, for example, the Earthshot Awards for innovative solutions to environmental problems.”

In the coming years, Professor Maclaurin believes William will modernize the monarchy more than his father while making it clear that the monarchy has a role to play by fighting for the likes of the environment and the homeless.

She continued, “William is very determined to make the monarchy more convenient and fit for purpose in the 21st century.

I think we’ll see him modernize more than his father and try to make the monarchy more positively valued in the public eye, particularly in terms of the younger demographic.”

Issues such as Earthshot and his recent campaign around homelessness all come into this agenda to try to use the influence of the monarchy to bring about positive environmental and social change.

While Prince William is not ready to be king yet, he is certainly making strides towards modernizing the monarchy and becoming a popular figure among the public.

In conclusion, Prince William has more to learn before he can become king.

However, he has already made significant contributions towards environmental and social causes, and he is poised to modernize the monarchy more than his father.

His popularity among the public is only set to increase, and his determination to make the monarchy more relevant in the 21st century is admirable.

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