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Harry’s Clickbait Motive: The Reason He’s Not Interested in the UK

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Harry’s Clickbait Motive: The Reason He’s Not Interested in the UK

Prince Harry has been in the headlines recently, and not for the best of reasons.

In a civil case against MGM over alleged phone hacking, Harry was thoroughly cross-examined in a London court of law.

And it seems he’ll be taking the stand against Associated Newspapers and newsgroup newspapers in separate suits at a later time.

But while all this was happening, the Heritage Foundation, a think tank in Washington, was arguing in court that there is intense public interest in finding out if Harry received treatment that was almost as special as he believes he is during his visa application process.

The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for the application, and they have claimed they couldn’t find the application or that the Freedom of Information Act simply doesn’t apply to the request for documents as a person’s visa status is supposed to be confidential.

However, the foreign policy advisor for the think tank has said that a key factor here has been Harry’s memoir and his revelations about his own drug use.

He’s put it all out there.

Let’s just see whether or not that matches what he put on his immigration application because if it doesn’t, that’s perjury.

That’s a criminal offense.

Harry’s recent behavior raises questions about his motives.

While he was busy making sure MGM got a good splattering from his BS spreading, he also made sure that the king and the government were subjected to it too.

Was he just trying to be malicious or forgetful when he referred to the king as HRH?

Or was he trying to point out a man who waited his whole life to be king?

Did Harry have a good reason to break royal convention by attacking the British government, which he claimed was scared of alienating the press?

According to Harry, “…on a national level at the moment, our country is judged globally by the state of our press and our government, both of which I believe are at rock bottom.”

That was his grand announcement, and then he finished it up with, “…terribly worrying for the entire UK.”

Seriously Harry, what is so worrying?

Harry’s only concern about the press is that it doesn’t publish the sort of sycophantic nonsense that he and Meghan feel they deserve a lot more of.

Harry cannot see shades of gray.

He just goes after people.

He claims that departments are evil, that papers are evil and governments are boiling down to this and this alone.

It was the daily mail that came out with the story that Harry was suing the UK for his right to get free security.

And it was also the mail that showed that Harry had amended his claim to the home office to include an offer to pay for security after they had already published the original story, which did not contain any such offer to pay.

And then Harry denied that.

And Harry wanted it all to be this big secret.

Harry’s recent actions have been quite questionable.

He believes that he is so important that nobody is going to stand up to him, and everyone will just believe every lie that comes out of his mouth.

Harry showed himself up as the idiot that he really is, and he’s always been that way.

It only took one clever lawyer to show everybody how dumb Harry really is.

Don’t take on the big boys, Harry.

You simply cannot compete.

In conclusion, Harry’s recent behavior and actions have raised many questions about his motives.

While he claims to be concerned about the state of the press and the government in the UK, it seems that his real motive is clickbait.

He wants to be in the headlines, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get there.

His recent court appearances and legal battles have only added fuel to the fire, and it remains to be seen what the future holds for Harry.

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