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Harry’s Wife Accused of Stealing from Invictus Games Foundation

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Harry’s Wife Accused of Stealing from Invictus Games Foundation

A recent video on YouTube has gained traction on Twitter, alleging that Harry’s wife, the Duchess of Sussex, has engaged in some rather shady behaviour in relation to the Invictus Games.

The video suggests that the Invictus Foundation has cut ties with the Sussexes as a consequence of her behaviour, whereby she turned it into a fashion show for herself.

Last year, the Invictus Games became known as the “Harry’s wife games” as she swanned around in expensive outfits.

The video concerned suggests that people on the board of the foundation started to question the expenses of the Sussexes and veterans, which purportedly led Greg Peters, the CEO of Netflix, to demand that Harry’s wife repay a sum of money that she had expensed from the foundation for her fashion.

Queries have been raised about why such an amount had been spent by Harry’s wife on clothing for her.

Apparently, the sum involved, as per the allegations, is $540,000, and she had seen fit to expense that sum from the Invictus Foundation.

Thereafter, people were up in arms about it.

If this is true, why might Harry’s wife behave that way?

Well, first of all, she has now got expensive tastes as a consequence of the heady heights that her narcissism has enabled her to clamour up to.

She believes that she belongs within the rarefied atmosphere of being a fashionista, even though much of what she wears makes her look like a dog’s dinner.

Unlike the Princess of Wales, who wears less expensive clothing and recycles it, Harry’s wife, with her grandiosity and sense of entitlement, swans around in expensive items, with $35,000 necklaces, $10,000 outfits, and so forth.

She does so because she sees it as only right and proper that if she is giving her time to the Invictus Foundation, she ought to be reimbursed for it.

A narcissist such as Harry’s wife regards the property of other people as hers.

Her narcissism causes her to see herself as the centre of the universe, and therefore everybody should know the way that she’s thinking, anticipate her needs, and understand that she is entitled to be dressed in expensive clothing.

It’s a little bit like the expectancy that, attending somebody’s house, you should be fed and watered and made comfortable and be clothed and perhaps given some money, and that your taxi fare is paid on the way there and your taxi fare is paid on the way back.

Interestingly, if this is accurate, the sum of money that was taken by way of expenses for her for Sean and that has been repaid as a consequence of the pressure that has been placed upon them is roughly just over half that which has been donated by Prince William to Invictus, which provides you with a contrast of behaviours.

Prince William donates, she takes.

If this report is accurate, then it is demonstrative of the sense of entitlement through which she operates, the way that she sees that her presence is one that ought to be rewarded, and the way that she believes that she is not accountable for her behaviours.

She is allowed to swan in, spend this amount of money without any due regard for how it makes other people feel, and where she’s spending huge amounts of money on dresses and necklaces and so forth, and other people are struggling to get by, it simply doesn’t register with her, because, contrary to what she says, she actually does not care.

All narcissists steal, as they take, acquire, and pull away the character traits of other people and bolt them onto their construct.

This means that other people’s experience, memories, anecdotes, achievements become commandeered by the narcissist for the purpose of adding them to the construct, and that construct is then used to show the outside world that the narcissist is successful and brilliant, thus enabling people to be controlled and to draw fuel from them by way of their responses to being told how magnificent the narcissist is and what they’ve done and what they’ve achieved.

The narcissist will use the experiences of other people, places that they’ve been, things that they’ve done, and make it out like they are the ones who’ve done that, and thus every single narcissist will steal in that fashion.

But it also goes beyond the acquisition of character traits.

The narcissist will steal credit, for example.

Certain narcissists regularly engage in such behaviour.

This of course is done through a sense of entitlement, an absence of emotional empathy for how the person has been affected by this behaviour, a lack of boundary recognition, and a lack of accountabilities for the way that they have behaved.

Money is stolen by narcissists.

Some will do so on the basis of asking to borrow money which is then never repaid.

In other instances, they incur expenditure using somebody else’s credit card or take out loans in their name or simply take money from an account without the permission of the account holder.

Again, they do so because they view it as their possession.

What is yours is theirs.

Accordingly, the concept of theft in its many different forms will be found repeatedly in the behaviour of narcissists.

It’s now been suggested that Harry’s wife has been up to yet more skullduggery, thieving from veterans.

All in all, the allegations against Harry’s wife are serious and she must face the consequences if proven guilty.

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