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Russell Brand’s Guide to Enjoying Three* somes

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Russell Brand’s Guide to Enjoying Three* somes

Russell Brand, a self-confessed former s-x addict, may be worth listening to when he advises guys to avoid having three* somes with other men.

Unless one is bisexual, a three* some including another man is never a smart idea, according to the actor.

According to Rollingstone, he explained: “I would urge people, men especially, unless they’re bisexual, to avoid the two-male three* some. You’re essentially getting less there than you would have got anyway. Half the involvement in s-x and at least doubled the risk of someone farting in the room. And the constant threat of what I know as nut brush.”

He stated, “The nut brush is the phenomena where if you take a three* some to its natural conclusion you may very well find your testicles being impeached by another mans testicles. That’s not my idea of a party!”

Speaking from personal experience?

“Matter of fact I am. Once me and my mate went through a stage, I dunno why, circumstances or something, where we slept with this same girl a few times. It never ended well. One occasion I accidentally got some sperm on his leg. He responded in a way that was a sort of tit for tat mentality that led to war all over the world. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Thank God it wasn’t his eye that the sperm got in, otherwise I’d be talking to you from behind dark glasses and getting paid for every gig in dollar bills.”

After that, the actor was asked how he obtained the role of Aldous Snow in the film Get Him to the Greek.

He remembered: “When I first auditioned for Forgetting Sarah Marshall I was just sort of being myself. The character was going to be a writer, not a rock star. But when Jason Segel and Nick Stoller, the director, saw my audition they thought, ‘Trying to make this man act is beyond us, but he does have something.’ So they changed the character and the things I just do anyway were suddenly appropriate.”

He continued, “When I did this, I thought this is a freebie. I get to indulge. I can never take drugs or drink again, it really is one day at a time for me, but in the movie I got to let go, give in a little bit to the dark side. You know when Darth Vader goes to Luke, “Give in to the Dark Side.” And Luke can’t. I always think, “Go on Luke, give in to the Dark Side.” It’s all right in there in this film.”

When questioned about a specific character on which he based Snow, the actor replied, “In terms of being a rock star, my influences were people that I’m mates with, like Noel Gallagher for instance. From him you get that kind of nonchalance, that sense of entitlement. I once asked him, ‘How come you’re so mouthy and rude to everybody?’ and he said that he knew that no matter what happened, if he could still play guitar he was going to go on booking gigs and making money. So it was that sort of self-assuredness that rock stars have. Also there’s that sense of arrested development. Because rock stars get rich very young a lot of times it’s like they don’t have that any social awareness. Pete Doherty for example, who I know somewhat, he is a poetic person. He gets a horrible rap in all of the British tabloids, but he’s one of those sweet, ethereal people – who you should never get in a car with.”

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