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Josh Duggar’s prison inmates ‘live in fear’

Photos: GETTY

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Josh Duggar’s prison inmates ‘live in fear’

Josh Duggar, who was convicted on child pornography charges, has been serving his sentence at the Seagoville Federal Correctional Institution for over a year.

The prison was chosen by the sentencing judge because of its treatment program for sex offenders.

However, the prison is now facing allegations of gross negligence from multiple inmates.

According to a report from The Sun, inmates have filed lawsuits accusing staff of failing to meet their basic needs.

One inmate, who filed suit in June, says that he is seeking financial compensation for “all the suffering that occurred by the gross negligence of the staff at this institution.”

The inmate listed several instances as evidence of his claim, including one in which he “was assaulted with a lock by an inmate who was paid by other inmates to do the assaulting.”

The inmate alleges that he was placed in protective custody after the incident, but was later re-released into the prison’s general population, despite the fact that he was “in fear of his life.”

The lawsuit filed by the first inmate was reportedly dismissed due to the inmate’s failure to fill out a necessary questionnaire.

However, this does not mean that the Seagoville staff is off the hook as another inmate has now filed a suit.

This second inmate claims that the prison failed to meet his medical needs.

The inmate has accused Seagoville staff of “failure to provide [his] prescribed medication for 31 days while he was confined in the special housing unit at the total mercy of BOP staff.”

The second suit was filed in October and it could go to court as early as next month. It is important to note that these are only allegations and no final judgement has been made.

However, if the allegations are proven to be true, it would be a serious matter and could lead to severe consequences for the prison staff and the institution as a whole.

The Seagoville Federal Correctional Institution has a responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all the inmates under their care.


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