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How Debra Messing was tricked into taking off her clothes for a movie role

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How Debra Messing was tricked into taking off her clothes for a movie role

Debra Messing, best known for her role in the sitcom Will and Grace, has revealed that she was pressured into doing bare scenes at the start of her career.

During an appearance on Loose Women, the 52-year-old actor shared that producers on one of the earliest movies she worked on lied to her to get her to sign a ndty clause in her contract.

She said that she was told that she was working with a director who demanded that every woman that he worked with signed this waiver, whether there was ndty in the script or not.

Messing said she trusted the producers and signed the contract.

However, when she got on the set, she was informed that she was expected to take her clothes off.

Messing described the experience as “horrible,” but she said things have improved in recent years.

She stated that this would not happen now with the Me Too movement.

If anyone tried that, it would certainly become public right away, and it would not be acceptable.

The actor also spoke about the pressure she faced to look a certain way due to the industry she was in.

Messing revealed that she lost a significant amount of weight while filming Will and Grace because of the unrealistic standard for women’s beauty.

“At the time, in the late nineties, the women who were really famous were waifs – they were tiny. I was just normal sized, and I think I internalized that pressure to fit in and I started losing weight,” she said.

Messing continued to lose weight until it started to affect her health. She added that as soon as she began losing weight, people around her started telling her she looked better.

She took that reinforcement and continued losing weight until her adrenals crashed, and she was exhausted.

She realized her body could not withstand being that small.

Messing’s experience with pressure to lose weight and doing bare scenes is not unique in Hollywood.

Many actors, especially women, have shared stories of being pressured into looking a certain way or performing in a way that they were not comfortable with.

However, the Me Too movement and the changing attitudes towards body image have made it possible for more actors to speak out about their experiences.

As a result, the industry is slowly changing, and actors like Messing are helping to make it a safer and more inclusive place for all.

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