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Channing Tatum is tired of getting n-ked in movies

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Channing Tatum is tired of getting n-ked in movies

Channing Tatum recently made an appearance on “The Kelly Clarkson Show” where he discussed his fit physique and the difficulties of maintaining it as an actor.

He revealed that his job requires him to be in good shape, often leading to scenes where he is required to be unclothed.

“As someone who works out for a job, I promise you I would not look like this unless I had to be nked in most of my movies mostly. At some point I have to get better at acting so I don’t have to be nked in all of them,” Tatum shared.

While he acknowledged the benefits of being in good shape, Tatum also expressed his admiration for those who balance fitness with their personal and professional lives.

He explained, “I literally get to work out as a job and it’s still hard. I can’t imagine people who have a 9-5 job, who have kids at home, and where do they get the energy and the time to actually focus on themselves?”

Tatum’s fitness routine involves more than just hitting the gym.

In 2019, he launched his own fitness program called “Team Flow”, which combines dance, martial arts, and fitness training.

He believes that finding a fun and engaging fitness routine is key to staying motivated and consistent.

“It’s not about just going to the gym and doing reps and all that stuff. It’s about how can I do something that’s fun, that’s gonna keep me coming back for more and that’s gonna be sustainable,” Tatum shared.

Despite his success as an actor and fitness entrepreneur, Tatum has faced his fair share of challenges along the way.

In a 2018 interview with Men’s Health, he opened up about struggling with depression and anxiety.

He credited his fitness routine with helping him manage his mental health, stating, “The gym for me is a very important place to release anything that might be congesting me or distracting me from being present.”

In addition to his fitness pursuits, Tatum has also been expanding his career in recent years.

He made his directorial debut in 2020 with the film “Dog” and has several other projects in the works, including a starring role in the upcoming Disney film “The Lost City of D”.

Tatum’s dedication to his craft and his fitness has earned him a large fan following, but he remains humble and grateful for his success.

In a 2017 interview with GQ, he shared, “I’m grateful that people have been like, ‘Yeah, we like watching you.’ As long as they keep wanting to watch me, I’ll keep doing it.”

Despite his success, Tatum remains focused on continuing to grow and develop as an actor.

He acknowledged that his physique has played a significant role in his career so far, but hopes to expand his range as an actor in the future.

“I want to be a better actor, ultimately. I think I’m doing okay so far, but I know I could do better,” he said.

Tatum’s dedication to his craft and his fitness routine serves as an inspiration to many.

He encourages others to find a fitness routine that works for them and to prioritize their mental and physical health.

As he explained, “It’s not about being a fitness freak or anything like that. It’s just about taking care of yourself and being healthy.”

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