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‘Angelina Jolie’ forces taxi driver to have s-x with her 2 times before stabbing him

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‘Angelina Jolie’ forces taxi driver to have s-x with her 2 times before stabbing him

A Romanian taxi driver has reported that he was attacked by a passenger, Luminita Perijoc, who is a self-claimed lookalike of Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie.

The cabbie, Nicolae Stan, claimed that the woman forced him to have intercourse and perform oral s** at knifepoint.

The incident occurred when Stan helped Perijoc with her bags, and she lured him to her apartment.

Once inside, she demanded s**, and when he refused, she pulled out a knife and forced him to undress.

The driver claimed that he was left with no choice but to have s** with her.

When he refused to satisfy her for the third time, she allegedly attacked him with a knife, stabbing him several times.

Stan only managed to escape when he barricaded himself inside a bedroom and called the police.

Perijoc, who is 30 years old, was reportedly out of her medication at the time of the incident, which could have affected her behavior.

The police are investigating the matter, and the driver was taken to the hospital with stab wounds.

Stan has been left traumatized by the event and is now a local celebrity, as people are talking about his refusal to have s** with the Angelina Jolie lookalike.

He has stated that his life has been made miserable by the teasing of his friends.

Stan said, “They don’t understand why I refused her, but they do not know what it is like to have a mad woman yelling at you at knifepoint.”

The cabbie claimed that Perijoc was not satisfied with having s** with him once and asked for it again.

When he refused, she allegedly attacked him with a knife, which left him with stab wounds.

The driver claimed that he was left with no choice but to have s** with her.

Perijoc is a huge fan of Angelina Jolie and models herself on the Tomb Raider star, according to her friends.

The police are investigating the incident and have not yet made any arrests.

The driver who was attacked by the Angelina Jolie lookalike has been left severely traumatized by the event.

Stan claimed that he was forced to have s** with Perijoc at knifepoint twice and perform oral s**.

When he refused to satisfy her for a third time, she allegedly attacked him with a knife.

The police have stated that Perijoc was not on medication at the time of the incident, contrary to earlier reports.

The police are investigating the matter to find out what could have led to the attack.

The cabbie claimed that he only managed to escape when he locked himself in a bedroom and called the police.

The driver was taken to the hospital with several stab wounds.

Stan’s friends have revealed that he has been left traumatized by the event and is now a local celebrity.

He has been teased by his friends for refusing to have s** with the Angelina Jolie lookalike.

The driver said that it was impossible to perform with a knife at his throat, even if he was with Miss Romania.

The police are interviewing both parties to determine what led to the attack.

Perijoc is a huge fan of Angelina Jolie and models herself on the Tomb Raider star, according to her friends.

The cabbie claimed that he was left with no choice but to have s** with her at knifepoint and perform oral s**.

When he refused to satisfy her for a third time, she attacked him with a knife, leaving him with stab wounds.

The driver has claimed that he was forced to have s** with Perijoc at knifepoint and perform oral s**.

When he refused to satisfy her for a third time, she attacked him with a knife, stabbing him several times.

The police are investigating the matter, and both parties are being interviewed.

Stan has been left traumatized by the event and is now a local celebrity, as people are talking about his refusal to have s** with the Angelina Jolie lookalike.

Perijoc, who is a huge fan of Angelina Jolie, has been accused of attacking the taxi driver at knifepoint when he refused to have s** with her for a third time.

The driver claimed that he was forced to have intercourse and perform oral s** with her.

When he refused to satisfy her for a third time, she attacked him with a knife, leaving him with stab wounds.

The police are investigating the matter and have not yet made any arrests.

The cabbie claimed that he only managed to escape when he barricaded himself in a bedroom and called the police.

He was taken to the hospital with several stab wounds.

Stan’s friends have revealed that he has been left traumatized by the event and is now a local celebrity.

He has been teased by his friends for refusing to have s** with the Angelina Jolie lookalike.

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