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How Marilyn Monroe was killed – Book

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How Marilyn Monroe was killed – Book

A new book titled “The Murder Of Marilyn Monroe: Case Closed” claims that the late actress was murdered in her home on August 4, 1962.

Authors Jay Margolis and Richard Buskin allege that the murder was orchestrated by Robert Kennedy, his brother-in-law British actor Peter Lawford, and Monroe’s psychiatrist Dr Ralph Greenson, with whom she was having an affair.

According to the book, Monroe was threatening to go public with her affairs with JFK and Robert, and when they tried to calm her down, she refused to be tossed aside.

In a fit of rage, Monroe picked up a small kitchen knife and lunged at Robert.

They finally subdued her and called Dr Greenson to come over to calm her down.

Greenson arrived at Monroe’s home within the hour and gave her an “intramuscular pentobarbital shot in the armpit to calm her down”.

Kennedy and Lawford were desperately searching for her little red diary and left empty-handed.

But Kennedy returned around 10 pm with two bodyguards.

Monroe found them searching through files in her office and began screaming.

As Kennedy stifled Monroe, his henchmen gave her an injection of sedatives.

When that failed to silence her, Kennedy’s bodyguards stripped her and gave her an enema of crushed sleeping pills, finally rendering her unconscious.

Monroe was discovered n^ked in the guest bedroom by her live-in housekeeper Eunice Murray, who called an ambulance as well as Dr Greenson.

The ambulance attendant James Hall claimed he found Monroe unconscious but breathing and she responded to resuscitation.

But then Lawford returned, and Dr Greenson stepped in to inject a mysterious dark fluid directly into Monroe’s heart.

Margolis says, “The dark liquid was almost certainly undiluted Nembutal, which the autopsy found in Monroe’s body.

It would have paralyzed her lungs and caused her death.

Dr Greenson killed Marilyn Monroe, incited by Bobby Kennedy.”

When police arrived at 4.45 am on August 5, almost five hours after Monroe had died, Dr Greenson pointed to an empty bottle of barbiturates beside the actress’s bed and said she had committed suicide.

Housekeeper Eunice Murray was allegedly coached, telling police that she didn’t find Monroe unconscious until hours later.

The book claims that even Los Angeles police chief William Parker collaborated in the cover-up to protect the Kennedys.

Despite evidence of injections on Monroe’s knees, armpit, and chest, the coroner’s report stated “No needle mark.” Mysteriously, all of Monroe’s autopsy tissue samples vanished from the coroner’s office.

Her diary, which coroner’s officers found in her home on the Monday, disappeared the next day, never to be seen again.

The authors believe that “Marilyn Monroe was murdered by Dr Greenson on the orders of Bobby Kennedy.

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