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Harvey Weinstein raped a woman during 2000 presidential debate

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Harvey Weinstein raped a woman during 2000 presidential debate

Harvey Weinstein, the disgraced former movie mogul, has been accused of raping a woman during the 2000 presidential debate, according to court documents filed by the new accuser.

The victim, who filed her lawsuit anonymously under the name Jane Doe V, alleges that she first met Weinstein when she was 19 years old and attending the 1984 Cannes Film Festival.

Her then-boyfriend introduced her to the convicted rapist.

The now-55-year-old Pennsylvania woman says that for the first few years of knowing Weinstein, he kept his distance from her out of apparent respect for her boyfriend.

However, when the woman saw Weinstein again in 1992, he noticed that she was single and started to take an interest in her career, which would “quickly turn into unwanted s**ual advances,” the court papers claim.

She met with Weinstein on three occasions, all of which were s**ually inappropriate, and which culminated in the third and final encounter when Weinstein allegedly raped her, the court documents say.

Around the time that Weinstein sold Miramax to Disney in 1993, he invited her to his room at The Peninsula Beverly Hills for a cocktail before a dinner to celebrate “his newly found fame and wealth,” the suit says.

But Weinstein excused himself and then returned “in nothing but a bathrobe and exposed his genitals to plaintiff before she could utter a word,” the suit claims.

Given this was the first time that Weinstein acted this way toward her and that he “had continuously promised to get her roles in his movies, she gave him the benefit of the doubt and the two remained in touch,” the suit says.

Then in 1994, they met at The Mayflower Hotel in New York City “under the guise of discussing business,” but this time Weinstein allegedly exposed his genitals to her and rubbed them against her “before she broke free and quickly exited the room,” the court papers claim.

Then, “after having reestablished their relationship through years of ‘good’ behavior,” Weinstein “lured” her to his Big Apple home on a pretense of watching the 2000 presidential debate together where they ate sushi and drank, the court documents claim.

The woman got up to go to the bathroom and Weinstein “blocked plaintiff’s path, forced her down onto the bed, removed her underwear, and forcibly raped her,” the court papers claim.

“The sheer size and mass of Weinstein prevented plaintiff from being able to escape his clutches, but once he backed up, she broke free, sprinted for the door, and never saw Weinstein again.” Since the alleged rape, the woman has endured “severe emotional distress” and “her career was derailed, and she all but stopped acting,” the court papers say.

The victim says, like so many other women who knew Weinstein, she “was acting under extreme duress due to the credible threat of being blacklisted, harmed and/or personally attacked by Harvey Weinstein and other major players in the industry,” the suit claims.

Weinstein’s civil lawyer Imran Ansari said his client “intends to defend against the claims filed anonymously against him.”

“Some of these claims, including those alleged to have occurred decades ago, may be barred by the applicable statute of limitations and not subject to any exceptions under the law, as this plaintiff does not appear to be a complainant in Mr. Weinstein’s criminal case.” Weinstein, who has been accused of s**ual misconduct by over 90 women, is currently serving a 23-year prison sentence for his New York conviction.

He also faces s**ual assault charges in Los Angeles, and that case is still pending.

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