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Trump tells dinner guests he plans to run for president in 2024

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Trump tells dinner guests he plans to run for president in 2024

Despite being coy about his Oval Office aspirations in public, Donald Trump is allegedly telling his dinner guests that he intends to run for president again in 2024.

The 45th President, however, has not yet declared if he will run as the Republican candidate.

According to a former top Republican National Committee official, Trump has mentioned the possible 2024 candidacy to at least three dinner companions.

“I have three friends who’ve had dinner with him in the last couple of months. All three reported that his current plans are to run for president in 2024,” says the former R.N.C. official. ““Now, whether he does or not is a different issue. We’ve still got three years to go. But he’s telling people that.”

According to the official, the first two dinners took place in late spring, while the third took place during the past two weeks.

Despite allegedly witnessing the former President make such big predictions, the third dinner attendee remained skeptical that Trump would ever throw his hat back into the ring.

According to the source, Trump’s first two dinner companions left their discussions persuaded that Trump was serious about running for president. According to the ex-R.N.C. official, the third said he left the meal “not 100% sure Trump wants to run but he likes being in the conversation, he wants to freeze the field, and he wants his name out there.”

According to a former Trump advisor who talked with members of Trump’s inner circle, he was informed on similar discussions that mirror the former president’s present views. According to the ex-adviser, Trump began to hint in private in May that he was considering running again.

“All the people I talk to who deal with him directly think as of now he is running,” the person added.

A Trump campaign spokesperson did not reply to American magazine’s inquiries regarding the alleged talks or Trump’s plan to run in 2024.

Trump’s support inside the Republican Party remains high. In a recent poll conducted by GOP pollster Tony Fabrizio, half of those polled indicated they would vote for Trump in a GOP primary. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Trump supporter, came in second place with 19% of the vote.

Trump has already hinted at a potential candidacy in 2024. Sean Hannity asked the question at Fox News’ town hall in late June about Trump’s political aspirations for the foreseeable future. “You’re not going to answer, but I have to ask,” Hannity said. “Without giving the answer … have you made up your mind?”

“Yes,” Trump replied, drawing applause from the Fox crowd.

“I think you got it right,” Hannity told the audience.

The former president has already begun rallying once again, purportedly to give his support to different Republicans who he thinks will win in the midterm elections. These rallies are also most likely a way for Mr. Trump to maintain his name at the forefront of Republican politics.

Trump returned to politics last month when he spoke at the North Carolina Republican Party’s annual convention. A few weeks later, he staged his first rally since January 6th in northern Ohio, where he backed Max Miller, a Republican challenger to Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, who voted to impeach Trump on January 6th for encouraging the violent insurgency.

He expressed similar views in an interview with Newsmax the day before his first campaign-style event, which was sponsored by Save America and held in Wellington, Ohio. Trump said that he will make an announcement “in the not too distant future.”

Despite Mr. Trump’s probable self-serving objectives at his endorsement rallies, it’s doubtful that any of the politicians he supports are grumbling. Mr. Trump and his selected candidates have a symbiotic relationship; they get the coveted Trump stamp of approval, and he gets more face time and national television attention.

After being defeated in November 2020 by former Vice President Joe Biden, the 45th President has long claimed that the 2020 election was “rigged” and has conducted rallies to reiterate such allegations.

The campaign funding Trump has amassed is another evidence of his desire to run in 2024. According to federal election records, Save America, a pro-Trump political action group, had $31 million in cash on hand at the end of last year. However, money flowed into the leadership PAC in the first three months of this year, and CNBC estimated that the PAC had $85 million on hand at the end of March. (The PAC’s 2021 financial reports aren’t due until later this summer.) Trump, on the other hand, had just $8.4 million on hand at the end of March 2017, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

If Trump’s candidacy becomes official, Big Tech firms may be forced to restore the suspensions he got in the wake of the Jan. 6 riot.

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