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Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy were bisexual

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Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy were bisexual

The legendary actress, Katharine Hepburn, is renowned for her outstanding contribution to Hollywood.

However, the question remains, would Hepburn have been as successful in the golden age of Hollywood if her sexual orientation was publicly known?

According to various sources, the 25-year long relationship between Hepburn and her frequent co-star, Spencer Tracy, was more of a friendship than a romantic affair.

Screenwriter and gay rights activist, Larry Kramer, stated, “Hepburn and Tracy were both gay. They were publicly paired together by the studio. Everyone in Hollywood knows this is true, but of course I haven’t seen it printed anywhere.”

Hepburn was often known for her masculine attire, and while she had some interest in men, she seemed to have a preference for women.

Hollywood pimp, Scotty Bowers, met Hepburn at a Hollywood party and was taken aback by her appearance in a suit and short hair.

The host informed Bowers that Hepburn’s movie studio executives had been begging her not to reveal that she was gay.

“Actors, major directors and producers had ‘morals’ clauses in their contracts, which they would have violated by being openly known as gay or bisexual,” Bowers explains.

He remembers Hepburn asking him, “I know your reputation, Scotty. When you get a chance, do you think you can find a nice, young dark-haired girl for me? Someone that is not too heavily made-up.”

According to Bowers, he arranged for Hepburn to meet around 150 women over a span of 50 years, which would be an average of 3 women per year.

Bowers claims that Hepburn would tire of them after seeing them once or twice, with the exception of one young beauty named Barbara, with whom Hepburn maintained a relationship for 49 years.

This evidence refutes the rumors of a physical relationship between industrialist, Howard Hughes, and Hepburn, as it indicates Hepburn’s sexual orientation towards women.

Bowers, who did some setup work for Hughes, states that Howard was straight and liked women, but rarely had sex with them.

Howard was known for his fanatical cleanliness and the pristine beauty of the women he was with.

He would immediately make them take a shower and wash everything off if they had any hint of makeup that he did not like, and if they had any blemishes, he would not touch them.

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