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Did Marilyn Monroe abort her kids? Here’s the Truth

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Did Marilyn Monroe abort her kids? Here’s the Truth

The upcoming release of “Blonde,” a film based on Joyce Carol Oates’ fictionalized account of Marilyn Monroe’s life, has garnered attention for its controversial portrayal of Marilyn’s forced abortion.

Though the movie received mixed reviews from viewers and critics alike, many believe the portrayal of Marilyn’s abortion was inaccurate and oversexualized.

The film’s abortion scene takes place after Marilyn finds out she is pregnant for the first time and expresses excitement about becoming a mother.

Despite her desire to have a child, Marilyn ultimately decides to terminate the pregnancy to secure a role in a film.

The scene is depicted as traumatic, with Marilyn pleading to go back and expressing fear and regret during the procedure.

The film later shows Marilyn reflecting on the abortion, years later, when she is pregnant with her husband, Arthur Miller’s child.

In the scene, Marilyn imagines the unborn baby speaking to her, expressing regret for the decision she made to terminate her previous pregnancy.

This depiction of Marilyn’s remorse over her abortion is uncommon in Hollywood, where abortion regret is a topic that is rarely addressed.

Although the forced abortion scene depicted in “Blonde” is not well-documented, it is known that Hollywood directors in the past have forced young starlets to prevent and terminate pregnancies.

While it is unclear whether Marilyn was forced to have an abortion, it is known that she wanted children.

In a quote attributed to her, Marilyn expressed her desire to have children and give them the love she never received.

In 1952, Marilyn had an infected appendix removed, and in a note to her doctor, she pleaded with him to cut as little as possible and not to remove her ovaries, as she hoped to have children in the future.

Despite her desire to become a mother, Jeffrey Meyers, a friend of Arthur Miller, wrote in his biography of the couple that Marilyn had undergone 12 abortions.

Although it is unclear whether these abortions were her choice, Marilyn’s promiscuity and the lack of access to contraceptives during the time make it likely that many of the pregnancies were unintended.

Marilyn’s fertility issues and repeated abortions may have contributed to her mental health struggles.

Meyers attributed many of Marilyn’s gynecological issues to her back-alley abortions, which may have caused infections and adhesions that prevented pregnancy or led to miscarriages.

Additionally, Marilyn’s promiscuity, drug use, and Hollywood lifestyle likely contributed to her depression and struggles with mental illness.

Despite the controversy surrounding the abortion scene in “Blonde,” some mainstream media outlets have praised the film’s anti-abortion message.

However, director Andrew Dominik has defended his decision to include the scene, stating that the film is not meant to be a commentary on abortion but a cautionary tale about the dangers of people imposing their own stories on others.

In the end, “Blonde” may not offer an accurate portrayal of Marilyn Monroe’s life, but it has sparked important conversations about women’s reproductive rights and the impact of abortion on mental health.

Marilyn’s desire to become a mother and her struggles with infertility and repeated abortions serve as a reminder of the importance of access to contraceptives and family planning services.

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