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10 Fascinating Facts About Queen Elizabeth II That Will Surprise You

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10 Fascinating Facts About Queen Elizabeth II That Will Surprise You

Queen Elizabeth II, the beloved monarch of the United Kingdom, is a figure that many of us are familiar with.

However, there are always hidden aspects of a person’s life that we may not be aware of.

Today, we will delve into 10 intriguing facts about Queen Elizabeth II that will surely surprise you.


The Unexpected Heir: Contrary to popular belief, Queen Elizabeth II was not originally the heir apparent to the throne.

In her early years, she held an ordinary position within the royal family.

It was only after the abdication of her uncle, King Edward VIII, that she became next in line for the throne.


Home Education: As the future queen, Elizabeth was exempted from attending regular school and instead received education at home.

She had various tutors who taught her subjects such as constitutional history, law, French, German, and music.


Fluent in French: Despite the stereotype that the English don’t learn other languages, Queen Elizabeth II is fluent in French.

She learned the language during her childhood tutoring sessions and utilizes it when engaging in foreign affairs with French-speaking nations.


Service in World War II: Queen Elizabeth II played her part during World War II by making radio broadcasts aimed at motivating British children.

At the age of 18, she joined the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service and trained as a truck and mechanic.

She is the only living head of state who officially served in the war.


Royal Love Story: Queen Elizabeth II married her third cousin, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh.

They first met when they were just 8 and 14 years old, respectively.

Their paths crossed again years later, and they tied the knot on November 20, 1947, at Westminster Abbey.


No Need for Documents: As the Queen of Britain, Queen Elizabeth II does not require a driver’s license, license plate, or passport.

All British passports are issued in her name, and she does not possess one herself.

This is quite remarkable considering her extensive travels to over 115 countries.


Double Birthday Celebrations: Although Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, she celebrates two birthdays.

Her true birthday falls on the first, while her official birthday is marked on a Saturday in late May.

This tradition was established in 1748 to ensure better weather for the Trooping the Colour parade.


Surviving Assassination Attempts: The Queen has faced several assassination attempts throughout her reign.

In 1981, shots were fired at her during the Trooping the Colour ceremony, but she remained calm.

Another attempt occurred later that year in New Zealand, but fortunately, both attempts were unsuccessful.


Royal Ownership: It may come as a surprise, but Queen Elizabeth II owns all the dolphins in the UK.

Dating back to a statute from 1324, whales and dolphins are recognized as “fishes royal.”

The Crown also claims ownership of mute swans, a delicacy highly valued in banquets and feasts since the 12th century.


Thousands of Letters: The Queen receives an astounding number of letters each year—approximately 70,000.

While she doesn’t read them all personally, she takes a keen interest in her correspondence.

Some letters are selected for her to read, and her staff ensures that every letter receives a response.

These 10 facts shed light on the extraordinary life of Queen Elizabeth II, revealing lesser-known aspects of her journey as the monarch of the United Kingdom.

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